Washington, D.C. 20549

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                FURNISHED PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                4 October, 2006

                               BRITISH AIRWAYS Plc
                               (Registrant's Name)

                                 Waterside HBA3,
                                   PO Box 365
                              Harmondsworth UB7 0GB
                                 United Kingdom

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1. September Traffic Statistics


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.

                                             BRITISH AIRWAYS Plc

                                             By:   /s/_________________________
                                                   Name: Alan Buchanan
                                                   Title:Company Secretary
                                                   Date  4 October, 2006

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit No.                 Description

1.                          September Traffic Statistics


Summary of the headline figures

In September 2006,  passenger  capacity,  measured in Available Seat Kilometres,
was 2.5 per cent above September 2005.  Traffic,  measured in Revenue  Passenger
Kilometres, was higher by 1.5 per cent. This resulted in a passenger load factor
down 0.8 points  versus  last year,  to 78.8 per cent.  The  increase in traffic
comprised a 1.5 per cent increase in premium traffic and a 1.5 per cent increase
in non-premium traffic. Cargo, measured in Cargo Tonne Kilometres,  decreased by
5.2 per cent. Overall load factor increased by 0.8 points to 73 per cent.

For the July to September  quarter,  ASKs rose by 3.5 per cent, with RPKs rising
by 3.6 per cent.  This  resulted in an increase in passenger  load factor of 0.1
points,  to 79.7 per cent.  This  comprised  a 6.5 per cent  increase in premium
traffic and a 3.1 per cent increase in non-premium traffic. CTKs fell by 1.1 per

Market conditions

Market  conditions  continue to be good,  and most  segments of the business are
recovering  well from the  events of August.  However,  as  expected,  September
transfer traffic volumes,  in particular in the premium cabins, were affected by
carry on baggage restrictions.  Volume in premium shorthaul also continues to be
soft for the same  reason.  The  reintroduction  of standard  carry on bag sizes
agreed at the end of the month,  and  harmonization  of rules on liquids planned
for the end of October are  expected  to support  the gradual  recovery of these
segments of the business.  As a result of the volume  shortfall total revenue is
now expected to grow at 5-6% for the financial year, down from 6-7%.


After the recent  major falls in the fuel price the cost of fuel is now expected
to be some GBP450 million higher than last year, down from our previous forecast
of GBP550-600 million.

Strategic Developments

The airline  announced  that the  actuarial  deficit in its New Airways  Pension
Scheme (NAPS) is set to rise from GBP928 million to some GBP2.1 billion, despite
a  doubling  of BA's  contributions  and a  recovery  of the stock  market.  The
trustees  confirmed  that annual  contributions  at the  unsustainable  level of
GBP497  million  would be needed to fund the  scheme  unless  changes  to future
benefits  proposed  earlier this year are  introduced.  This means the company's
contributions would go up from five to 12 times members' contributions.

Negotiations  between British Airways and the trustees are now underway to agree
a funding plan including proposed benefit changes.  Consultation  continues with
the trades unions.

British  Airways  urged the Civil  Aviation  Authority  to cut the  profits  BAA
receives  from its  asset  base to  ensure  that  the  airport  operator  builds
cost-effective  facilities that generate additional airport capacity. The CAA is
currently  consulting  on the level of user  charges at  Heathrow,  Gatwick  and
Stansted  airports  for a five year period  from April  2008,  in its role as an
economic regulator.

During the  current  charging  period  between  April 2003 and March  2008,  BAA
receives a 7.75 per cent  return on it asset  base.  British  Airways  said this
should be set at around 5.6 per cent in the next charging period, a reduction of
almost one third.

It was  announced  that  James  A  Lawrence  will  be  joining  the  board  as a
non-executive  director with effect from 1 November,  2006. He is currently vice
chairman and chief  financial  officer of General  Mills Inc. one of the largest
food  companies  in North  America.  His range of  experience  covers  strategic
consultancy,  leading US multi-nationals in consumer products and the US airline


October 4, 2006                                                   102/KG/06


                                          Month of  September                     Financial year
                                                                               April through to Sep
BRITISH AIRWAYS                                        Change                                  Change
SCHEDULED SERVICES                  2006       2005       (%)            2006        2005         (%)

Passengers carried (000)
UK/Europe                           2156       2132      +1.1           12701       12566        +1.1
Americas                             639        648      -1.3            4068        3910        +4.0
Asia Pacific                         166        173      -4.1             965         938        +2.9
Africa and Middle East               285        257     +11.0            1704        1466       +16.3
Total                               3246       3210      +1.1           19439       18880        +3.0

Revenue passenger km (m)
UK/Europe                           2070       2005      +3.2           12128       11797        +2.8
Americas                            4316       4354      -0.9           27418       26252        +4.4
Asia Pacific                        1701       1776      -4.2            9817        9642        +1.8
Africa and Middle East              1910       1714     +11.4           11331        9805       +15.6
Total                               9997       9850      +1.5           60694       57496        +5.6

Available seat km (m)
UK/Europe                           2652       2738      -3.1           16039       16515        -2.9
Americas                            5599       5342      +4.8           33824       32193        +5.1
Asia Pacific                        2030       2169      -6.4           12344       12611        -2.1
Africa and Middle East              2403       2122     +13.2           14642       12727       +15.0
Total                              12683      12372      +2.5           76849       74047        +3.8

Passenger load factor (%)
UK/Europe                           78.0       73.2      +4.8 pts        75.6        71.4        +4.2 pts
Americas                            77.1       81.5      -4.4 pts        81.1        81.5        -0.4 pts
Asia Pacific                        83.8       81.9      +1.9 pts        79.5        76.5        +3.0 pts
Africa and Middle East              79.5       80.8      -1.3 pts        77.4        77.0        +0.4 pts
Total                               78.8       79.6      -0.8 pts        79.0        77.6        +1.4 pts

Revenue tonne km (RTK) (m)
Cargo tonne km (CTK)                 392        414      -5.2            2401        2370        +1.3
Total RTK                           1417       1397      +1.4            8507        8105        +5.0
Available tonne km (m)              1941       1934      +0.4           11850       11557        +2.5

Overall load factor (%)             73.0       72.2      +0.8 pts        71.8        70.1        +1.7 pts

Certain  statements  included in this statement may be  forward-looking  and may
involve  risks and  uncertainties  that  could  cause  actual  results to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements include, without limitation,  projections relating to
results of operations  and  financial  conditions  and the  company's  plans and
objectives for future operations, including, without limitation,  discussions of
the  company's  business  and  financing  plans,  expected  future  revenues and
expenditures and divestments.  All forward-looking statements in this report are
based upon  information  known to the  company on the date of this  report.  The
company   undertakes   no   obligation   to   publicly   update  or  revise  any
forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise.

It is not  reasonably  possible to itemise all of the many  factors and specific
events that could cause the company's forward-looking statements to be incorrect
or that could otherwise have a material adverse effect on the future  operations
or results of an airline operating in the global economy.

                                                              Investor Relations
                                                                Waterside (HCB3)
                                                                      PO Box 365
                                                                         UB7 OGB
                                                        Tel: +44 (0) 20 8738 694