Washington, D. C. 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                      Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                            For the month of May 2006

                           EXCEL MARITIME CARRIERS LTD
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

              17th Km National Road Athens - Lamia & Finikos Street
                               Nea Kifisia, 145-64
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports
under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

                      Form 20-F  X     Form 40-F
                               -----            -----

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information
contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the
commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                          Yes         No  X
                             -----      -----


Attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1 are the audited consolidated financial
statements of Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd. (the "Company") as of December 31,


The Company files annual reports on Form 20-F (File No. 1-10137) and periodic
reports on Form 6-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

                          EXCEL MARITIME CARRIERS LTD.



Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm                    F-2

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of  December 31, 2004 and 2005              F-3

Consolidated Statements of Income for the years ended
  December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005                                         F-4

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for the years
  ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005                                   F-5

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years
   ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005                                  F-6

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                 F-7



We have audited the accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets of Excel Maritime
Carriers Ltd. (the "Company"),  as of December 31, 2004 and 2005 and the related
consolidated statements of income,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for each
of the three  years in the period  ended  December  31,  2005.  These  financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  We were not engaged to perform an
audit of the Company's  internal  control over financial  reporting.  Our audits
included  consideration of internal control over financial  reporting as a basis
for designing audit  procedures that are appropriate in the  circumstances,  but
not for the  purpose  of  expressing  an  opinion  on the  effectiveness  of the
Company's internal control over financial reporting.  Accordingly, we express no
such  opinion.  An audit also  includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence
supporting the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the consolidated  financial  position of Excel Maritime
Carriers Ltd. at December 31, 2004 and 2005 and the consolidated  results of its
operations  and its cash flows for each of the three  years in the period  ended
December  31,  2005  in  conformity  with  U.S.  generally  accepted  accounting

/s/ Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors Accountants S.A.

Athens, Greece,
April 19, 2006

DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2005
(Expressed in thousands of U.S. Dollars - except for share and per share data)

ASSETS                                                   2004           2005
------                                                   ----           ----

     Cash and cash equivalents                              64,903      58,492
     Restricted cash                                         2,493       7,988
     Accounts receivable trade, net                          2,302       1,185
     Accounts receivable, other                                158         799
     Due from related parties (Note 3)                           -         255
     Inventories (Note 4)                                      558       1,094
     Prepayments and advances                                  962         734
                                                         ----------   ---------
           Total current assets                             71,376      70,547
                                                         ----------   ---------


     Advances for vessels acquisition (Note 5)              26,220           -
     Vessels, net (Note 6)                                  14,615     465,668
     Office furniture and equipment                              -         524
                                                         ----------   ---------
           Total fixed assets, net                          40,835     466,192
                                                         ----------   ---------

     Goodwill                                                  400         400
     Deferred charges, net (Note 7)                          1,386       1,604
     Restricted cash                                             -      22,282
                                                         ----------   ---------
           Total assets                                    113,997     561,025
                                                         ==========   =========


     Current portion of long-term debt, net of
     deferred financing fees (Note 8)                        7,704      41,230
     Accounts payable                                        1,262       3,307
     Deferred revenue                                            -       1,893
     Accrued liabilities                                     1,600       5,020
                                                         ----------   ---------
           Total current liabilities                        10,566      51,450
                                                         ----------   ---------

LONG-TERM DEBT, net of current portion and net
  of deferred financing fees (Note 8)                        5,616     221,586
                                                         ----------   ---------

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (Note 11)                          -           -
                                                         ----------   ---------

  Preferred stock, $0.1 par value:
  5,000,000 shares authorized, none issued                       -           -
  Common stock, $0.01 par value; 49,000,000
  Class A shares and 1,000,000 Class B
  shares authorized; 13,696,153 Class A shares
  and  114,946 Class B shares, issued
  and outstanding at December 31, 2004 19,595,153
  Class A shares and 114,946 Class B shares issued
  and outstanding at December 31, 2005 (Note 9)                138         197
  Additional paid-in capital (Note 9)                       63,738     181,265
  Shares to be issued ( 298,403 Class A shares) (Note 3)         -       6,853
  Due from a related party (Note 3)                              -      (2,024)
  Retained earnings                                         34,128     101,887
                                                         ----------   ---------
                                                            98,004     288,178
  Less:  Treasury stock, 78,650 Class A shares and
         588 Class B  shares at December 31, 2004 and
         December 31, 2005                                    (189)       (189)
                                                         ----------   ---------
        Total stockholders' equity                          97,815     287,989
                                                         ----------   ---------
        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity         113,997     561,025
                                                         ==========   =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

(Expressed in thousands of U.S Dollars-except for share and per share data)

                                                                      2003            2004            2005
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------
Voyage revenues (Note 1)                                              26,094            51,966         118,082
Revenue from managing related party vessels (Note 3)                     527               637             522
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------
                                                                      26,621            52,603         118,604
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------

     Voyage expenses (Note 13)                                         7,312             8,100          11,693
     Voyage expenses - related party (Note 13)                             -                 -           1,412
     Vessel operating expenses (Note 13)                               6,529             7,518          24,215
     Vessel Depreciation (Note 6)                                        993               980          20,092
     Amortization of deferred dry-docking and special
     survey costs (Note 7)                                               555               733             622
     Contract termination expense -  related party
     (Note 3)                                                              -                 -           4,963
     Management fees - related party (Note 3)                            260               270               -
     General and administrative expenses                               1,772             2,867           6,520
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------
                                                                      17,421            20,468          69,517
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------

GAIN ON SALE OF VESSELS (Note 6)                                           -                 -          26,795

     Operating income                                                  9,200            32,135          75,882

     Interest and finance costs (Notes 8 and 14)                        (473)             (363)        (10,259)
     Interest income                                                      12               302           2,381
     Other, net                                                          (94)              (24)             66
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------
     Total other income (expenses), net                                 (555)              (85)         (7,812)
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------
Net income, before taxes                                               8,645            32,050          68,070
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------

U.S. Source Income taxes (Note 12)                                         -                 -            (311)
                                                                -------------     -------------  --------------

Net income, after taxes                                                8,645            32,050          67,759
                                                                =============     =============  ==============

Earnings per common   share, basic and diluted                          0.75              2.75            3.64
                                                                =============     =============  ==============
Weighted average number of shares, basic and diluted              11,532,725        11,640,058      18,599,876
                                                                =============     =============  ==============

                            The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

2003, 2004 and 2005 (Expressed in thousands of U.S. Dollars - except for share data)

                                                Common Stock

                                                                                      Additional                   Shares
                                          Comprehensive      # of          Par         Paid-in      Retained       to be
                                             Income         Shares        Value        Capital      Earnings       Issued
                                         -------------   -----------     --------     ---------    ----------     --------
BALANCE, December 31, 2002                                 11,611,099        116        12,087        (6,567)         -
- Net income                                 8,645                  -          -             -         8,645          -
- Sale of treasury stock                                            -          -             -             -          -
Comprehensive income                         8,645
                                         -----------      ------------   ---------     ---------    ----------    ---------

BALANCE, December 31, 2003                                 11,611,099        116        12,087         2,078          -
- Net income                                32,050                  -          -             -        32,050          -
- Issuance of common stock                                  2,200,000         22        54,978             -          -
- Expenses relating to the issuance
of common stock                                                     -          -        (3,549)            -          -
- Stock based compensation expense                                  -          -           222             -          -
Comprehensive income                        32,050
                                         -----------      ------------   ---------     ---------    ----------    ---------
BALANCE, December 31, 2004                                 13,811,099        138        63,738        34,128          -
- Net income                                67,759                  -          -             -        67,759          -
- Issuance of common stock                                  5,899,000         59       123,820             -          -
- Expenses relating to the issuance
of common stock                                                     -          -       (7,375)             -          -
- Stock based compensation expense                                  -          -           948             -          -
Comprehensive income                        67,759
- Contract Termination                                              -          -           134             -      6,853
- Due from a related party                                          -          -             -             -          -
                                                          ------------   ---------     ---------    ----------    ---------
BALANCE, December 31, 2005                                 19,710,099        197       181,265       101,887      6,853
                                                          ============   =========     =========    =========     ==========

                                              Due from a                          Treasury        Stockholders'
                                             related party        Total            Stock            Equity
                                            --------------      --------         ---------       ------------
BALANCE, December 31, 2002                         -              5,636             (187)            5,449
- Net income                                       -              8,645                -             8,645
- Sale of treasury stock                           -                  -               (2)               (2)
Comprehensive income
                                            ----------        ---------         --------         ----------

BALANCE, December 31, 2003                         -             14,281             (189)           14,092
- Net income                                       -             32,050                -            32,050
- Issuance of common stock                         -             55,000                -            55,000
- Expenses relating to the issuance
of common stock                                    -             (3,549)               -            (3,549)
- Stock based compensation expense                 -                222                -               222
                                            ----------        ---------         --------         ----------

Comprehensive income

BALANCE, December 31, 2004                         -             98,004             (189)           97,815
- Net income                                       -             67,759                -            67,759
- Issuance of common stock                         -            123,879                -           123,879
- Expenses relating to the issuance
of common stock                                    -            (7,375)                -            (7,375)
- Stock based compensation expense                 -                948                -               948

Comprehensive income

- Contract Termination                             -              6,987                -             6,987
- Due from a related party                    (2,024)            (2,024)               -            (2,024)
                                            ----------        ---------         --------         ----------
BALANCE, December 31, 2005                    (2,024)           288,178             (189)          287,989
                                            =========         =========         ========         ==========

                            The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

(Expressed in thousands of U.S Dollars)

                                                                   2003               2004            2005
                                                                   ----               ----            ----
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
     Net income, after taxes                                      8,645             32,050          67,759
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     provided by operating activities:
        Vessel Depreciation                                         993                980          20,092
        Amortization of deferred dry-docking and
        special survey costs                                        555                733             622
        Amortization and write-off of deferred
        financing costs                                              39                 39             526
        Gain on sale of vessels                                       -                  -         (26,795)
        Contract termination expense                                  -                  -           4,963
        Stock-based compensation expense                              -                222             948
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Accounts receivable                                        (361)            (1,546)            221
        Inventories                                                  60                (46)           (536)
        Prepayments and advances                                    (58)              (821)            228
        Accounts payable                                           (486)               328           2,045
        Accrued liabilities                                         451                638           3,420
        Deferred revenue                                              -                  -           1,893
        Payments for dry-docking and special survey                (951)              (544)         (1,747)
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------
Net Cash provided by Operating Activities                         8,887             32,033          73,639
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
        Advances for vessels acquisitions                             -            (26,220)              -
        Additions to vessel cost                                      -                  -        (454,241)
        Proceeds from sale of vessels                                 -                  -          37,022
        Office, furniture and equipment                               -                  -            (524)
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------
Net Cash used in Investing Activities                                 -            (26,220)       (417,743)
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
        Increase in restricted cash                                (914)            (1,579)        (27,777)
        Proceeds from long-term debt                                  -              7,750         282,415
        Principal payments of long-term debt                     (5,960)            (2,300)        (31,530)
        Treasury stock                                               (2)                 -               -
        Issuance of common stock, net of related
        issuance costs                                                -             51,451         116,504
        Payment of financing costs                                   (2)              (190)         (1,919)
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------
Net Cash  provided by (used in) Financing Activities             (6,878)            55,132         337,693
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents              2,009             60,945          (6,411)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                    1,949              3,958          64,903
                                                          --------------    ---------------     -----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                          3,958             64,903          58,492
                                                          ==============    ===============     ===========

     Cash paid during the year  for:
        Interest payments                                           480                242           8,872
                                                          ==============    ===============     ===========

                         The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
 (Expressed in thousands of United States Dollars - except for share and per
share data, unless otherwise stated)

1.   Basis of Presentation and General Information:

     The accompanying  consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
     Excel   Maritime   Carriers   Ltd.  and  its  wholly   owned   subsidiaries
     (collectively,  the "Company" or "Excel").  Excel was formed in 1988, under
     the laws of the Republic of Liberia.  On March 21, 2005 the Company  issued
     and sold  5,899,000  shares of Class A common stock,  registered  under its
     shelf registration  statement, to institutional investors (Note 9). The net
     proceeds  totaled  $116,504 and were used to partly finance the acquisition
     cost of sixteen  second hand  vessels  which were  delivered to the Company
     through December 31, 2005.

     The  Company  is engaged in the ocean  transportation  of dry bulk  cargoes
     worldwide  through the ownership and operation of bulk carrier  vessels and
     is the sole owner of all outstanding shares of the following subsidiaries:

Ship-owning companies with vessels in operation at December 31, 2005

     Company                                   Country of incorporation    Date of incorporation    Vessel-owned
     --------                                  ------------------------    ---------------------    ------------
 1.  Centel Shipping Co. Ltd. ("Centel")       Cyprus                      May 2002                 Lady
 2.  Snapper Marine Ltd. ("Snapper")           Liberia                     June 2004                Marybelle
 3.  Pisces Shipholding Ltd. ("Pisces")        Liberia                     June 2004                Goldmar
 4.  Liegh Jane Navigation S.A. ("Liegh")      Liberia                     July 2004                Swift
 5.  Teagan Shipholding S.A. ("Teagan")        Liberia                     November 2004            First Endeavour
 6.  Fianna Navigation S.A. ("Fianna")         Liberia                     November 2004            Isminaki
 7.  Ingram Limited ("Ingram")                 Liberia                     November 2004            Emerald
 8.  Whitelaw Enterprises Co. ("Whitelaw")     Liberia                     November 2004            Birthday
 9.  Castalia Services Ltd. ("Castalia")       Liberia                     November 2004            Princess I
10.  Yasmine International Inc. ("Yasmine")    Liberia                     January 2005             Elinakos
11.  Candy Enterprises Inc. ("Candy")          Liberia                     February 2005            Renuar
12.  Barland Holdings Inc. ("Barland")         Liberia                     February 2005            Attractive
13.  Fountain Services Ltd. ("Fountain")       Liberia                     February 2005            Powerful
14.  Amanda Enterprises Ltd. ("Amanda")        Liberia                     March 2005               Happy Day
15.  Marias Trading Inc. ("Marias")            Liberia                     March 2005               Angela Star
16.  Tanaka Services Ltd. ("Tanaka")           Liberia                     March 2005               Rodon
17.  Harvey Development Corp. ("Harvey")       Liberia                     March 2005               Fortezza

Ship-owning companies with vessels sold during the year ended December 31, 2005

     Company                                  Country of incorporation     Date of incorporation     Vessel-owned
     --------                                 ------------------------     ---------------------     ------------
18.  Becalm Shipping Co. Ltd. ("Becalm")      Cyprus                       July 1998                   Fighting Lady
19.  Tortola Shipping Co. Ltd. ("Tortola")    Cyprus                       July 1998                    Lucky Lady
20.  Storler Shipping Co. Ltd. ("Storler")    Cyprus                       August 1998                    Petalis
21.  Madlex Shipping Co. Ltd. ("Madlex")      Cyprus                       January 1999                   Almar I

Companies established to acquire vessels

     Company                                  Country of incorporation     Date of incorporation
     --------                                 ------------------------     ---------------------
22.  Magalie Investments Corp.("Magalie")     Liberia                      March 2005                        -
23.  Melba Management Ltd. ("Melba")          Liberia                      April 2005                        -
24.  Minta Holdings S.A. ("Minta")            Liberia                      April 2005                        -
25.  Odell International Ltd. ("Odell")       Liberia                      April 2005                        -
26.  Naia Development Corp. ("Naia")          Liberia                      April 2005                        -

     Other group companies
     Company                                  Country of incorporation    Date of incorporation          Activity
27.  Maryville Maritime Inc. ("Maryville")    Liberia                     August 1983                     company
                                                                                                      Holding company
28.  Point Holdings Ltd. ("Point")            Liberia                     February 1998

     Effective  January 1, 2005 and  following the  termination  of an agreement
     with  Excel  Management  Ltd,  an  affiliated  corporation  (Note  3),  the
     operations of the vessels are directly  managed by Maryville which provides
     the vessels  with a wide range of  shipping  management  services,  such as
     technical support and maintenance,  supervision of new buildings, insurance
     consulting, chartering, financial and accounting services. The fees charged
     by Maryville for the management of the Company's  fleet, are eliminated for
     consolidation  purposes  in the  accompanying  consolidated  statements  of

     Charterers  individually  accounting  for more  than  10% of the  Company's
     voyage  revenues  during the years ended December 31, 2003,  2004 and 2005,
     are as follows:

     Charterer                               2003          2004       2005
     ----------                             -----         ------      -----

     Malissa SCTT                             25%           15%          -
     Swissmarine-Geneva                       11%            -           -
     Oldendorff Carriers GMBH                 11%            -           -
     Noble Shipping Inc. Hong Kong            10%            -           -
     Transfield Er Capeltd BV                  -            12%          -
     Ncs North China Shipping Co Ltd BVI       -            10%          -
     Daeyang Shipping Co Ltd.                  -             -          12%

2.   Significant Accounting Policies:

     (a)  Principles of Consolidation:  The accompanying  consolidated financial
          statements  have been  prepared  in  accordance  with  U.S.  generally
          accepted accounting  principles and include the accounts and operating
          results  of  Excel  Maritime   Carriers  Ltd.  and  its   wholly-owned
          subsidiaries   referred   to  in  Note  1   above.   All   significant
          inter-company  balances  and  transactions  have  been  eliminated  in

     (b)  Use of Estimates: The preparation of consolidated financial statements
          in  conformity  with U.S.  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
          requires  management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
          reported   amounts  of  assets  and   liabilities  and  disclosure  of
          contingent  assets  and  liabilities  at the date of the  consolidated
          financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
          during the reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from those

     (c)  Other  Comprehensive  Income:  The Company  follows the  provisions of
          Statement  of  Financial   Accounting   Standards  ("SFAS")  No.  130,
          "Reporting Comprehensive Income", which requires separate presentation
          of certain transactions,  which are recorded directly as components of
          stockholders'  equity.  The  Company  has no such  transactions  which
          affect  comprehensive  income and,  accordingly,  comprehensive income
          equals net income for all periods presented.

     (d)  Concentration of Credit Risk: Financial instruments, which potentially
          subject  the Company to  significant  concentrations  of credit  risk,
          consist  principally of cash and cash  equivalents  and trade accounts
          receivable.   The  Company  places  its  cash  and  cash  equivalents,
          consisting  mostly of deposits,  with high credit qualified  financial
          institutions.   The  Company  performs  periodic  evaluations  of  the
          relative credit standing of those financial institutions.  The Company
          limits its credit risk with accounts  receivable by performing ongoing
          credit evaluations of its customers' financial condition.  The Company
          does not obtain rights to collateral to reduce its credit risk.

     (e)  Foreign Currency  Translation:  The functional currency of the Company
          is  the  U.S.   Dollar  because  the  Company's   vessels  operate  in
          international  shipping  markets,  and  therefore  primarily  transact
          business  in  U.S.  Dollars.  The  Company's  books  of  accounts  are
          maintained in U.S.  Dollars.  Transactions  involving other currencies
          during the year are  converted  into U.S.  Dollars  using the exchange
          rates in effect at the time of the transactions.  At the balance sheet
          dates, monetary assets and liabilities, which are denominated in other
          currencies,  are translated into U.S. Dollars at the year-end exchange
          rates.   Resulting  gains  or  losses  are  included  in  general  and
          administrative expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of

     (f)  Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents:  The  Company  considers  highly  liquid
          investments  such as time deposits and certificates of deposit with an
          original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

     (g)  Restricted  Cash:  Restricted  cash  includes  bank  deposits that are
          required under the Company's borrowing  arrangements which are used to
          fund the loan installments  coming due. The funds can only be used for
          the  purposes of loan  repayment.  In addition,  restricted  cash also
          includes minimum cash deposits  required to be maintained with certain
          banks under the Company's borrowing arrangements.

     (h)  Accounts   Receivable-Trade,   net:   The  amount  shown  as  accounts
          receivable-trade, net at each balance sheet date, includes receivables
          from  charterers for hire,  freight and demurrage  billings,  net of a
          provision  for  doubtful  accounts.  At each balance  sheet date,  all
          potentially  uncollectible  accounts  are  assessed  individually  for
          purposes  of  determining  the  appropriate   provision  for  doubtful
          accounts. The provision for doubtful accounts at December 31, 2004 and
          2005 was $25 and $274, respectively.

     (i)  Insurance  Claims:  The Company records insurance claim recoveries for
          insured  losses  incurred on damage to fixed assets.  Insurance  claim
          recoveries are recorded,  net of any deductible  amounts,  at the time
          the Company's  fixed assets suffer insured damages and the Company can
          make  an  estimate  of  the  amount  to be  reimbursed  following  the
          insurance claim.

     (j)  Inventories: Inventories consist of consumable bunkers, lubricants and
          victualling  stores,  which are  stated at the lower of cost or market
          value. Cost is determined by the first in, first out method.

     (k)  Vessels,  net:  Vessels  are  stated at cost,  which  consists  of the
          contract  price and any material  expenses  incurred upon  acquisition
          (initial   repairs,   improvements,   delivery   expenses   and  other
          expenditures to prepare the vessel for her initial voyage). Subsequent
          expenditures   for  conversions  and  major   improvements   are  also
          capitalized  when  they  appreciably  extend  the life,  increase  the
          earning  capacity or improve the  efficiency or safety of the vessels.
          Otherwise these amounts are charged to expense as incurred.

          The cost of each of the  Company's  vessels is  depreciated  beginning
          when the  vessel is ready for its  intended  use,  on a  straight-line
          basis  over  the  vessel's   remaining  economic  useful  life,  after
          considering the estimated  residual value (vessel's  residual value is
          equal to the product of its  lightweight  tonnage and estimated  scrap
          rate).  Management  estimates the useful life of the Company's vessels
          to be 28 years from the date of initial  delivery  from the  shipyard.
          However,  when  regulations  place  limitations  over the ability of a
          vessel to trade on a worldwide  basis,  its  remaining  useful life is
          adjusted at the date such regulations become effective.

     (l)  Prepaid/Deferred  charter  revenue:  Where the Company  identifies any
          assets or liabilities associated with the acquisition of a vessel, the
          Company  records all such  identified  assets or  liabilities  at fair
          value.  Fair value is  determined  by reference  to market  data.  The
          Company values any asset or liability arising from the market value of
          the time charters assumed when a vessel is acquired.  The amount to be
          recorded as an asset or  liability  at the date of vessel  delivery is
          based on the  difference  between the current  fair value of a charter
          with similar  characteristics  as the time charter assumed and the net
          present value of future  contractual  cash flows from the time charter
          contract  assumed.  When the present value of the time charter assumed
          is greater than the current fair value of such charter, the difference
          is recorded as prepaid charter  revenue.  When the opposite  situation
          occurs,  the difference is recorded as deferred  revenue.  Such assets
          and liabilities,  respectively, are amortized as a reduction of, or an
          increase in, revenue over the period of the time charter assumed.

     (m)  Impairment of Long-Lived Assets: The Company uses SFAS 144 "Accounting
          for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-lived Assets",  which addresses
          financial  accounting  and reporting for the impairment or disposal of
          long-lived assets.  The standard requires that,  long-lived assets and
          certain  identifiable  intangibles  held and used or disposed of by an
          entity be  reviewed  for  impairment  whenever  events or  changes  in
          circumstances  indicate that the carrying amount of the assets may not
          be recoverable. An impairment loss for an asset held for use should be
          recognized  when the estimate of  undiscounted  cash flows,  excluding
          interest charges,  expected to be generated by the use of the asset is
          less than its carrying  amount.  Measurement of the impairment loss is
          based on the fair value of the asset as provided by independent marine
          valuers.  In this respect,  management  regularly reviews the carrying
          amount of the vessels in  connection  with the  estimated  recoverable
          amount for each of the Company's vessels. Furthermore, in the period a
          long-lived asset meets the "held for sale" criteria of SFAS No. 144, a
          loss  is  recognized  for  any  reduction  of the  long-lived  asset's
          carrying  amount to its fair  value less cost to sell.  No  impairment
          loss was recorded in the years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005.

     (n)  Accounting  for  Dry-Docking  and Special  Survey  Costs:  The Company
          follows the deferral  method of accounting for dry-docking and special
          survey  costs  whereby  actual  costs  incurred  are  deferred and are
          amortized on a  straight-line  basis over the period  through the date
          the next  dry-docking  and special survey are scheduled to become due.
          Unamortized  dry-docking  and special survey costs of vessels that are
          sold are written off at the time of the  respective  vessels' sale and
          are included in the  calculation  of the  resulting  gain or loss from
          such sale.

     (o)  Financing Costs: Fees paid to lenders for obtaining loans are recorded
          as a contra to debt.  Such fees are deferred and amortized to interest
          and  finance  costs  over  the  life of the  related  debt  using  the
          effective  interest method.  Unamortized fees relating to loans repaid
          or refinanced are expensed as interest and finance costs in the period
          the repayment or refinancing is made.

     (p)  Accounting for Revenues and Related  Expenses:  The Company  generates
          its  revenues  from  charterers  for the  charterhire  of its vessels.
          Vessels are chartered using either voyage  charters,  where a contract
          is made in the  spot  market  for the use of a vessel  for a  specific
          voyage  for a  specified  charter  rate,  or  time  charters,  where a
          contract is entered into for the use of a vessel for a specific period
          of time and a specified daily charterhire rate. If a charter agreement
          exists and  collection of the related  revenue is reasonably  assured,
          revenue is  recognized,  as it is earned  ratably over the duration of
          the  period  of each  voyage  or time  charter.  A voyage is deemed to
          commence  upon the  completion  of discharge of the vessel's  previous
          cargo and is deemed to end upon the  completion  of  discharge  of the
          current cargo.

          Demurrage  income  represents  payments by the charterer to the vessel
          owner when loading or discharging time exceeded the stipulated time in
          the voyage  charter and is recognized as it is earned ratably over the
          duration of the period of each voyage charter.

          Deferred  revenue  includes cash  received  prior to the balance sheet
          date  and is  related  to  revenue  earned  after  such  date.  Voyage
          expenses, primarily consisting of port, canal and bunker expenses that
          are  unique to a  particular  charter,  are paid for by the  charterer
          under the time  charter  arrangements  or by the Company  under voyage
          charter  arrangements,  except for commissions,  which are always paid
          for by the Company,  regardless of charter type. All voyage and vessel
          operating  expenses are expensed as incurred,  except for commissions.
          Commissions  paid to  brokers  are  deferred  and  amortized  over the
          related  voyage charter period to the extent revenue has been deferred
          since commissions are earned as the Company's revenues are earned.

     (q)  Repairs and Maintenance: All repair and maintenance expenses including
          underwater  inspection  expenses are expensed in the year incurred and
          are  included  in  Vessel  operating   expenses  in  the  accompanying
          consolidated statements of income.

     (r)  Staff leaving  Indemnities-  Administrative  personnel:  The Company's
          employees  are  entitled  to  termination  payments  in the  event  of
          dismissal or retirement with the amount of payment varying in relation
          to the  employee's  compensation,  length  of  service  and  manner of
          termination  (dismissed  or  retired).  Employees  who resign,  or are
          dismissed  with cause are not entitled to  termination  payments.  The
          Company's  liability on an actuarially  determined  basis, at December
          31,  2004  and  2005   amounted  to   approximately   $237  and  $249,

     (s)  Earnings  per  Common  Share:  Basic  earnings  per  common  share are
          computed by dividing net income  available to common  stockholders  by
          the weighted  average number of common shares  outstanding  during the
          year.  Diluted  earnings  per common  share,  reflects  the  potential
          dilution that could occur if  securities  or other  contracts to issue
          common stock were  exercised.  The Company had no dilutive  securities
          during the years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005.

     (t)  Segment  Reporting:  The Company  reports  financial  information  and
          evaluates its operations by charter  revenues and not by the length of
          ship  employment  for its customers,  i.e. spot or time charters.  The
          Company does not use discrete  financial  information  to evaluate the
          operating results for each such type of charter.  Although revenue can
          be identified for these types of charters,  management cannot and does
          not identify  expenses,  profitability or other financial  information
          for these  charters.  As a  result,  management,  including  the chief
          operating decision maker,  reviews operating results solely by revenue
          per day and  operating  results of the fleet and thus the  Company has
          determined that it operates under one reportable segment. Furthermore,
          when the Company  charters a vessel to a charterer,  the  charterer is
          free to trade the vessel worldwide and, as a result, the disclosure of
          geographic information is impracticable.

     (u)  Variable  Interest  Entities:   In  December  2003,  the  FASB  issued
          Interpretation  No. 46R,  Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities,
          an Interpretation of ARB No. 51 (the "Interpretation"),  which revised
          Interpretation  No. 46,  issued in January  2003.  The  Interpretation
          addresses the consolidation of business enterprises (variable interest
          entities) to which the usual condition (ownership of a majority voting
          interest) of consolidation does not apply. The Interpretation  focuses
          on financial interests that indicate control. It concludes that in the
          absence  of  clear  control  through  voting  interests,  a  company's
          exposure  (variable  interest)  to the  economic  risks and  potential
          rewards from the variable  interest entity's assets and activities are
          the best  evidence  of  control.  Variable  interests  are  rights and
          obligations  that convey  economic gains or losses from changes in the
          value  of the  variable  interest  entity's  assets  and  liabilities.
          Variable  interests  may arise  from  financial  instruments,  service
          contracts,  and other arrangements.  If an enterprise holds a majority
          of the variable  interests of an entity,  it would be  considered  the
          primary  beneficiary.  The  primary  beneficiary  would be required to
          include  assets,  liabilities,  and the results of  operations  of the
          variable  interest's entity in its financial  statements.  The Company
          was required to adopt the  provisions of FIN 46R for entities  created
          prior to February  2003, in 2004.  The adoption of FIN 46R in 2004 and
          2005 did not have any impact on the Company's  consolidated  financial
          position, results of operations or cash flows.

     (v)  Accounting  for  Stock-Based   Compensation:   In  October  2004,  the
          Company's  Board of Directors  approved a Stock Option Plan  providing
          for  granting  of  stock  options  to the  Company's  Chief  Executive
          Officer. Prior to October 2004, the Company had not issued stock-based
          compensation  to its  employees.  The Company  accounts  for  employee
          stock-based compensation in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No.
          123 using the fair value method  wherein the fair value of such awards
          are  determined  on the  grant  date and  recognized  as  compensation
          expense in the  consolidated  statements  of income  over the  vesting
          period of the options.

     (w)  Recent Accounting Pronouncements:

          SFAS No.  123(R):  On December  16,  2004,  the  Financial  Accounting
          Standards  Board (FASB) issued FASB Statement No. 123 (revised  2004),
          "Share-Based  Payment" (SFAS No. 123(R)),  which is a revision of FASB
          Statement No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (SFAS No.
          123). SFAS No. 123(R)  supersedes APB Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting for
          Stock  Issued  to  Employees,"  and  amends  FASB  Statement  No.  95,
          "Statement of Cash Flows." Generally,  the approach in SFAS No. 123(R)
          is similar to the approach  described in SFAS No. 123.  However,  SFAS
          No. 123(R) requires all share-based  payments to employees,  including
          grants of  employee  stock  options,  to be  recognized  in the income
          statement  based on their  fair  values.  Pro forma  disclosure  is no
          longer an  alternative.  SFAS No. 123(R) must be adopted no later than
          January 1, 2006.  Early adoption will be permitted in periods in which
          financial  statements have not yet been issued. The Company expects to
          adopt SFAS No.  123(R) on January 1,  2006.  SFAS No.  123(R)  permits
          public companies to adopt its requirements using one of two methods:

          o    A "modified  prospective"  method in which  compensation  cost is
               recognized  beginning  with the  effective  date (a) based on the
               requirements  of SFAS No.  123(R)  for all share  based  payments
               granted   after  the   effective   date  and  (b)  based  on  the
               requirements  of SFAS No. 123 for all awards granted to employees
               prior  to the  effective  date of SFAS  No.  123(R)  that  remain
               unvested on the effective date.

          o    A "modified retrospective" method which includes the requirements
               of the modified  prospective  method  described  above,  but also
               permits  entities  to  restate  based on the  amounts  previously
               recognized   under  SFAS  No.  123  for  purposes  of  pro  forma
               disclosures  either (a) all prior periods  presented or (b) prior
               interim periods of the year of adoption.

          The   Company   plans   to   adopt   SFAS   No.   123(R)   using   the
          modified-prospective   method.   The  Company  currently  applies  the
          fair-value-based  method of  accounting  for  share-based  payments in
          accordance  with  SFAS  No.  123.  Currently,  the  Company  uses  the
          Black-Scholes-Merton  formula to estimate  the value of stock  options
          granted to  employees  and expects to continue to use this  acceptable
          option  valuation model upon the required  adoption of SFAS No. 123(R)
          on January 1, 2006. The Company does not  anticipate  that adoption of
          SFAS  No.  123(R)  will  have a  material  impact  on its  results  of
          operations, financial position or cash flows.

          SFAS No. 154: In May 2005,  the FASB  issued FASB  Statement  No. 154,
          "Accounting  Changes and Error  Corrections"  (SFAS No. 154). SFAS No.
          154 is a replacement of APB Opinion No. 20, "Accounting  Changes" (APB
          20) and FASB Statement No. 3, "Reporting Accounting Changes in Interim
          Financial  Statements" (SFAS No. 3). SFAS No. 154 provides guidance on
          the  accounting  for and  reporting  of  accounting  changes and error
          corrections.  It establishes retrospective application as the required
          method for reporting a voluntary change in accounting  principle.  APB
          20  previously  required  that most  voluntary  changes in  accounting
          principle  be  recognized  by including in net income of the period of
          the change the  cumulative  effect of changing  to the new  accounting
          principle.  SFAS No. 154  provides  guidance for  determining  whether
          retrospective  application  of a change  in  accounting  principle  is
          impracticable   and  for   reporting  a  change   when   retrospective
          application is impracticable. SFAS No. 154 also requires that a change
          in method of depreciation,  amortization, or depletion for long-lived,
          nonfinancial  assets  be  accounted  for  as a  change  in  accounting
          estimate that is effected by a change in accounting principle.  APB 20
          previously  required  that  such a change be  reported  as a change in
          accounting principle.  SFAS No. 154 carries forward many provisions of
          APB  20  without  change,  including  the  provisions  related  to the
          reporting  of a  change  in  accounting  estimate,  a  change  in  the
          reporting  entity,  and the correction of an error.  SFAS No. 154 also
          carries  forward the  provisions  of SFAS No. 3 that govern  reporting
          accounting  changes in interim financial  statements.  SFAS No. 154 is
          effective for  accounting  changes and  corrections  of errors made in
          fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2005. The Company will adopt
          this pronouncement beginning in fiscal year 2006.

     (x)  Reclassification    of   prior   year    balances:    Certain    minor
          reclassifications  have been made to the 2004  consolidated  financial
          statements  to conform to the  presentation  in the 2005  consolidated
          financial  statements.   An  amount  of  $  300,  concerning  deferred
          financial  expenses  net of  amortization,  is now included in current
          portion of long-term debt and long-term debt,  previously  included in
          Deferred charges, net.

3.   Transactions with Related Parties:

     (a)  Excel  Management Ltd.: As of December 31, 2004, the operations of the
          Company's vessels were managed by Excel Management Ltd., a corporation
          which  is  controlled  by  the  Company's  Chairman  of the  Board  of
          Directors, Mr. Gabriel Panayiotides.  Certain of the services provided
          by  Excel  Management  Ltd.  were  subcontracted  to  Maryville.   The
          management  fees  charged by Excel  Management  Ltd.  during the years
          ended   December  31,  2003  and  2004  amounted  to  $260  and  $270,
          respectively   and  are  separately   reflected  in  the  accompanying
          consolidated  statements  of income for the years ended  December  31,
          2003 and 2004. The management agreement with Excel Management Ltd. was
          initially  due to expire on April 30, 2008 was  terminated on March 2,
          2005 with effect from January 1, 2005.

          In exchange for terminating the management  agreement  mentioned above
          and in exchange  for a one time cash  payment of $ 2,024,  the Company
          agreed  to issue  205,442  shares no later  than  March 2, 2006 of its
          Class A common  stock to Excel  Management  Ltd. and to issue to Excel
          Management Ltd additional shares at any time before January 1, 2009 if
          the Company  issues  additional  shares of Class A common stock to any
          other party for any reason, such that the number of additional Class A
          common stock to be issued to Excel  Management Ltd.  together with the
          205,442  shares  of  Class  A  common  stock  to be  issued  to  Excel
          Management  Ltd., in the aggregate,  equal 1.5% of the Company's total
          outstanding  Class A common  stock after taking into account the third
          party issuance and the shares to be issued to Excel Management Ltd. To
          date,  the Company  has not yet issued any shares to Excel  Management
          Ltd., neither the initial 205,442 shares nor the 92,961  anti-dilution
          shares  required  to be issued as a result of the March 21, 2005 share
          issuance  to  other  third  parties  discussed  in Note 9  (Note  15).
          Furthermore,  the  Company  has not yet  received  the  one-time  cash
          payment from Excel  Management  Ltd. which is reflected as a reduction
          of stockholders'  equity in the accompanying 2005 consolidated balance
          sheet.  All shares to be issued will be subject to a two-year  lock-up
          from their date of issuance.

          The fair value of the  205,442  Class A shares to be issued  under the
          termination   agreement  and  the  fair  value  of  the  anti-dilution
          provisions (based on an independent valuation),  totaled $ 6,987 which
          has been  credited  to  stockholders'  equity.  The excess of the fair
          value of such shares over the cash consideration of $2,024 amounted to
          $4,963  and  is  reflected  as  Contract  termination  expense  in the
          accompanying 2005 consolidated statement of income.

          On March 4, 2005,  the Company  concluded a brokering  agreement  with
          Excel  Management Ltd. under which Excel Management Ltd. was appointed
          as the Company's  broker to provide  services for the  employment  and
          chartering of the  Company's  vessels,  for a commission  fee equal to
          1.25% of the  revenue  of each  contract  Excel  Management  Ltd.  has
          brokered.  The agreement was effective  January 1, 2005 for an initial
          period of one year and will be  automatically  extended for successive
          one year periods,  unless  written  notice by either party is given at
          least one year prior to the  commencement  of the  applicable one year
          extension period.  Commissions charged by Excel Management Ltd. during
          the year 2005, amounted to $1,412 and are separately  reflected in the
          consolidated 2005 statement of income.

     (b)  Vessels  under  management:   Maryville  (Note  1)  provides  shipping
          services to three related ship-owning companies at a fixed monthly fee
          per vessel.  Such  companies are  affiliated  with the Chairman of our
          Board  of  Directors  and the  revenues  earned  for the  years  ended
          December  31,  2003,  2004  and 2005  totaled  $527,  $637  and  $522,
          respectively   and  are  separately   reflected  in  the  accompanying
          consolidated statements of income.

4.   Inventories:

     The  amounts  shown in the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets are
     analyzed as follows:

                                                        2004           2005
                                                     -----------    --------
     Bunkers                                                346         135
     Lubricants                                             177         821
     Victualling stores                                      35         138
                                                     -----------    --------
                                                            558       1,094
                                                     ===========    ========

5.   Advances for vessels acquisitions:

     The  amount  shown in the  accompanying  2004  consolidated  balance  sheet
     represents  advance  payments  to the  sellers of vessels  Swift,  Goldmar,
     Isminaki, First Endeavour and Marybelle, due in accordance with the related
     Memoranda of  Agreement  to acquire  these  vessels,  which were  concluded
     during  the last  quarter  of 2004.  As of  December  31,  2004,  remaining
     contracted  payments  for the  above  mentioned  vessels,  all due in 2005,
     amounted to $86,335.

6.   Vessels, net:

                                       Vessel     Accumulated      Net Book
                                        Cost      Depreciation      Value
                                      --------   -------------    ----------
     Balance, December 31, 2002         18,611       (2,023)         16,588
     -   Depreciation                        -         (993)           (993)
                                      --------      ---------       --------
     Balance, December 31, 2003         18,611       (3,016)         15,595
     -   Depreciation                        -         (980)           (980)
                                      --------      ---------       --------

     Balance, December 31, 2004         18,611       (3,996)         14,615
     -  Transfer from advances
        for vessel acquisitions         26,220            -          26,220
     -  Vessels acquisitions           454,241            -         454,241
     -  Depreciation                         -      (20,092)        (20,092)
     -  Disposal due to sale           (12,677)       3,361          (9,316)
                                      --------      ---------       --------
     Balance, December 31, 2005        486,395      (20,727)        465,668
                                      ========      =========       ========

     The Company's vessels,  having total carrying value of $465,668 at December
     31,  2005,  have been  provided  as  collateral  to secure  the bank  loans
     discussed in Note 8.

     During the year ended December 31, 2005, the Company  acquired  sixteen dry
     bulk  carrier  vessels for an  aggregate  consideration  of  $480,461.  One
     (vessel Powerful) of the above vessels,  acquired for cash consideration of
     $35,300,  was under an existing  time  charter  contract  which the Company
     agreed to assume through  arrangement  with the respective  charterer.  The
     Company  upon  delivery  of the above  vessel  and in  accordance  with its
     accounting  policy  described in Note 2(l)  evaluated the charter  contract
     assumed and concluded  that the charter  party was already  carried at fair

     In addition,  during the year ended  December 31,  2005,  vessels  Petalis,
     Lucky Lady,  Fighting Lady and Almar I were sold for a total  consideration
     of  $37,022,  resulting  in a gain of $26,795  (net of $907 of  unamortized
     dry-docking  costs and $4 of unamortized  financing costs written-off as at
     the date of sale) which is separately  reflected in the  accompanying  2005
     consolidated statement of income.

7.   Deferred Charges, net:

     The unamortized amounts included in the accompanying  consolidated  balance
     sheets represent  dry-docking and special survey costs, and are analyzed as

     Balance, December 31, 2002                                1,179
      - Additions                                                951
      - Amortization                                            (555)
     Balance, December 31, 2003                                1,575
      - Additions                                                544
      - Amortization                                            (733)
     Balance, December 31, 2004                                1,386
      - Additions                                              1,747
      - Amortization                                            (622)
      - Disposal due to sale                                    (907)
     Balance, December 31, 2005                                1,604

8.   Long-term Debt, net of deferred financing fees:

     The amounts in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets are analyzed as

           Borrower(s)                                     2004        2005
                                                         -------      ------

     (a)   Becalm and Madlex                               2,837           -
     (b)   Centel, Totrola and Storler                     2,902           -
     (c)   Pisces, Liegh and Snapper                       7,581      21,633
     (d)   Fianna, Whitelaw, Ingram, Teagan and Castalia       -      88,312
     (e)   Fountain, Candy, Yasmine, Amanda, Marias,
           Tanaka and Harvey                                   -     144,540
     (f)   Barland                                             -       8,331
                                                         --------   --------
           Total                                          13,320     262,816
           Less- current portion                          (7,704)    (41,230)
                                                         --------   --------
           Long-term portion                               5,616     221,586
                                                         ========   ========

     Loan (a):  Bank loan for an  amount of $ 5,700,  obtained  in June 2002 for
     working capital purposes.  The outstanding  balance of the loan at December
     31, 2004 was fully  repaid as of December  2005.  Further to the  principal
     installments  paid during the year,  an amount of $1,488 was repaid in July
     2005 due to the sale of the vessel Fighting Lady.

     Loan (b):  Bank loan for an amount of $5,500,  obtained in October  2002 to
     partially  finance  the  acquisition  cost of vessel  Lady and for  working
     capital purposes.  The outstanding balance of the loan at December 31, 2004
     was fully repaid by October  2005,  while earlier in March 2005 the balloon
     installment  amounting  to $2,020  was paid from the sale  proceeds  of the
     vessels Lucky Lady and Petalis.

     Loan (c): Bank loan for an amount of $27,000, concluded in December 2004 to
     partially  finance  the  acquisition  cost of  vessels  Goldmar,  Swift and
     Marybelle.  The loan was drawn down in three  tranches  from  December 2004
     through March 2005. The amount  outstanding at December 31, 2005 of $21,633
     is repayable in 46 variable  installments  from January 2006 through  March
     2011 plus three balloon payments totaling $4,670 payable together with each
     tranche's last installment.  The loan bears interest at LIBOR plus a margin
     and the average  interest rate  (including the margin) at December 31, 2005
     was 6.35%.

     Loan (d): Bank loan for an amount of $95,000, concluded in February 2005 to
     partially  finance  the  acquisition  cost of vessels  Isminaki,  Birthday,
     Emerald,  First  Endeavour  and Princess I. The loan was drawn down in five
     tranches from February 2005 through June 2005.  The amount  outstanding  at
     December 31, 2005 of $88,312 is repayable in 164 variable installments from
     February 2006 through May 2015 plus two balloon  payments  totaling  $8,370
     payable  together with the last installment of vessels Isminaki and Emerald
     tranches.  The loan bears  interest  at LIBOR plus a margin and the average
     interest rate (including the margin) at December 31, 2005 was 5.74%.

     Loan (e):  Bank loan for an amount of $170,000,  concluded in April 2005 to
     partially  finance the  acquisition  cost of vessels  Elinakos,  Happy Day,
     Powerful,  Renuar, Angela Star, Rodon and Fortezza. The loan was drawn down
     in seven tranches from April 2005 through July 2005. The amount outstanding
     at December 31, 2005 of $144,540 is repayable in 233 variable  installments
     from January 2006 through June 2016 plus seven  balloon  payments  totaling
     $34,480 payable together with the with each tranche's last installment. The
     loan bears  interest at LIBOR plus a margin and the average  interest  rate
     (including the margin) at December 31, 2005 was 5.66%. An amount of $11,135
     remained  undrawn  with an  option  to be draw  down  which  expired  as of
     December 31, 2005.

     Loan (f):  Bank loan for an amount  of  $9,300,  concluded  in June 2005 to
     partially  finance the acquisition  cost of vessel  Attractive.  The amount
     outstanding  at  December  31,  2005,  of $8,331 is  repayable  in 14 equal
     consecutive  quarterly  installments,  from  February 2006 through May 2009
     plus a  balloon  installment  of  $1,860  payable  together  with  the last
     installment.  The  loan  bears  interest  at LIBOR  plus a  margin  and the
     interest rate (including the margin) at December 31, 2005 was 5.87%.

     The loans are secured as follows:

     o    First priority mortgages over the borrowers vessels;

     o    First  priority  assignment  of all  insurances  and  earnings  of the
          mortgaged vessels;

     o    Pledge over the Company's  bank accounts  where  payments for charters
          are deposited by the charterers;

     o    Corporate guarantee of Excel Maritime Carriers Ltd.

     The loans, among others,  contain financial covenants requiring the Company
     to ensure that the aggregate  market value of the mortgaged  vessels at all
     times exceed 135% of the aggregate  outstanding  principal amount under the
     loans,  that total assets  minus total debt will not, at any time,  be less
     than  $150,000 and to maintain  liquid funds of at least 10% of total debt.
     As a result, restricted cash included in the accompanying 2005 consolidated
     balance sheet  represents  bank deposits that are required  under the loans
     and are used to fund the loan installments  falling due, as well as minimum
     cash deposits  required to be  maintained  with certain banks in accordance
     with loan  covenants.  The  Company is  permitted  to pay  dividends  under
     certain  conditions  and  for  amounts  as  defined  in  the  related  loan

     Interest  expense  for the years ended  December  31,  2003,  2004 and 2005
     amounted to $395, $243 and $9,538, respectively and is included in interest
     expense and finance costs in the  accompanying  consolidated  statements of

     The annual principal  payments required to be made after December 31, 2005,
     are as follows:

     2006                              41,685
     2007                              31,937
     2008                              28,881
     2009                              27,112
     2010                              22,531
     2011 and thereafter              112,360
     Less- Financing fees              (1,690)

9.   Common Stock and Additional Paid-In Capital:

     The Company's  authorized  capital stock consists of (a) 49,000,000  shares
     (all in registered  form) of common  stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the
     "Class A shares"),  (b) 1,000,000 shares (all in registered form) of common
     stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the "Class B shares") and (c)  5,000,000
     shares (all in  registered  form) of  preferred  stock,  par value $0.1 per
     share. The Board of Directors shall have the fullest authority permitted by
     law  to  provide  by  resolution  for  any  voting  powers,   designations,
     preferences  and relative,  participating,  optional or other rights of, or
     any qualifications,  limitations or restrictions on, the preferred stock as
     a class or any series of the  preferred  stock.  The holders of the Class A
     shares and of the Class B shares are  entitled to one vote per share and to
     1,000 votes per share, respectively,  on each matter requiring the approval
     of the holders of common  stock,  however each share of common stock shares
     in the earnings of the company on an equal basis.

     In December 2004,  the Company issued and sold 2,200,000  shares of Class A
     common  stock,   registered  under  its  shelf  registration  statement  to
     institutional  investors  at $25.00  per  share.  The net  proceeds  to the
     Company totaled $51,451.

     On March 21, 2005 the Company issued and sold  5,899,000  shares of Class A
     common  stock,  registered  under  its  shelf  registration  statement,  to
     institutional  investors  at $21.00  per  share.  The net  proceeds  to the
     Company totaled $116,504.

     Effective  September 15, 2005,  the Company's  Class A shares are listed on
     the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "EXM".

10.  Stock-based Compensation:

     On October 5, 2004, the Company adopted a Stock Option Plan authorizing the
     issuance and immediate  grant of 100,000 options to purchase Class A common
     shares (the "Plan") to the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer.  Under the
     terms of the Plan, all stock options granted vest on the third  anniversary
     of the date upon which the option was  granted.  The options  expire on the
     fifth  anniversary  of the date upon  which the  option  was  granted.  The
     exercise price of the options is the closing price of the Company's  common
     stock at the grant date, less a discount of 15%.

     A summary of the Company's stock option activity is as follows:

                                                Shares         exercise price
                                             -----------     ----------------

Outstanding at January 1, 2004                         -               -
Granted                                          100,000           31.79
Exercised                                              -               -
Forfeited                                              -               -
Expired                                                -               -
                                              ----------       ----------
Outstanding at December 31, 2004                 100,000           31.79
                                              ==========       ==========
Exercisable at December 31, 2004                       -               -
                                              ==========       ==========

                                                 Shares         exercise price
                                             -----------     ----------------

Outstanding at January 1, 2005                   100,000           31.79
Granted                                                -               -
Exercised                                              -               -
Forfeited                                              -               -
Expired                                                -               -
                                              ----------       ----------
Outstanding at December 31, 2005                 100,000           31.79
                                              ==========       ==========
Exercisable at December 31, 2005                       -               -
                                              ==========       ==========

     The  weighted  average  grant-date  fair value of the  options  granted was
     $27.91.  The  weighted-average   remaining   contractual  life  of  options
     outstanding at December 31, 2005, is 3.76 years.

     The fair value of options  granted,  which is amortized to the expense over
     the  option's  vesting  period,  is  estimated  on the grant date using the
     Black-Scholes option-pricing model.

     The weighted  average  assumptions  used in  determining  the fair value of
     options granted in 2004 were:

     Expected life of option (years)                                3.5
     Risk-Free interest rate                                        3.08%
     Expected volatility of the Company's stock                   112.75%
     Expected dividend yield on the Company's stock                  0.0%

     During the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, the compensation expense
     in connection with all stock-based employee compensation awards amounted to
     $222 and $948,  respectively and is included in General and  administrative
     expenses in the accompanying  consolidated  income statements for the years
     ended December 31, 2004 and 2005.

11.  Commitments and Contingencies:

     Various claims, suits, and complaints, including those involving government
     regulations  and product  liability,  arise in the  ordinary  course of the
     shipping  business.  In  addition,  losses  may arise  from  disputes  with
     charterers,  agents,  insurance and other claims with suppliers relating to
     the operations of the Company's vessels. Currently, management is not aware
     of any such claims or contingent liabilities, which should be disclosed, or
     for  which  a  provision   should  be  established   in  the   accompanying
     consolidated financial statements.

     The  Company  accrues  for  the  cost  of  environmental  liabilities  when
     management  becomes  aware  that a  liability  is  probable  and is able to
     reasonably  estimate the probable  exposure.  Currently,  management is not
     aware of any  such  claims  or  contingent  liabilities,  which  should  be
     disclosed,   or  for  which  a  provision  should  be  established  in  the
     accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements.  A  minimum  of up to $1
     billion of the liabilities  associated with the individual vessels actions,
     mainly for sea pollution, are covered by the Protection and Indemnity (P&I)
     Club insurance.

     In 2001,  Maryville entered into a lease agreement for the rental of office
     premises with an unrelated  party.  The initial term of the lease agreement
     was for one  year  and was  renewable  in  successive  one-year  increments
     through  2010 at  Maryville's  option  after  its  initial  term.  In 2005,
     Maryville  entered into a new lease agreement  (further amended in February
     2006),  for the rental of new office  premises with an unrelated  party. In
     February 2006, the relocation of Maryville to its new offices was completed
     and the 2001 lease  agreement  for the rental of the previous  premises was
     terminated.  Based on the amended  lease  agreement,  the term of the lease
     will be for three years  effective  February 9, 2006 and the monthly rental
     will be  approximately  $32 (Euro 27,000)  adjusted  annually for inflation
     increase plus an additional  1.5%.  Operating  lease payments for the years
     ended  December 31, 2003,  2004 and 2005  amounted to $60, $70 and $107 and
     are  included in General and  administrative  expenses in the  accompanying
     consolidated statements of income.

12.  Income Taxes:

     Taxation on Liberian and Cyprus registered companies:

     Under the laws of Liberia  and Cyprus,  (the  countries  of the  companies'
     incorporation  and vessels'  registration),  the  companies  are subject to
     registration  and  tonnage  taxes,  which have been  included  in  Vessels'
     operating expenses in the accompanying consolidated statements of income.

     Cyprus does not impose a tax on international  shipping income. With effect
     from January 1, 2001 the Republic of Liberia  enacted a new general  income
     tax act ("New Act"). In contrast to the income tax law previously in effect
     since 1977 ("Prior Law"),  which the New Act repealed in its entirety,  the
     New Act does not distinguish between the taxation of income of non-resident
     Liberian  corporations  such as the Company and its Liberian  subsidiaries,
     who conduct no business in Liberia and were wholly  exempted from tax under
     Prior Law, and the taxation of ordinary resident Liberian corporations.

     In 2004, the Liberian  Ministry of Finance issued  regulations  pursuant to
     which a non-resident domestic corporation engaged in international shipping
     such as the  Company  will not be  subject  to tax  under  the New Act with
     retroactive  effect  from  January  1,  2001 (the  "New  Regulations").  In
     addition,  the Liberian  Ministry of Justice issued an opinion that the New
     Regulations  were a  valid  exercise  of the  regulatory  authority  of the
     Ministry of Finance.  Therefore, if the New Regulations are enacted as law,
     the Company believes that it and its Liberian  subsidiaries  will be wholly
     exempt  from  Liberian  income tax as under  Prior Law and  accordingly  no
     Liberian income tax charge has been provided in the Company's  consolidated
     income statement for the years presented.

     Taxation on US source income:

     Pursuant to Section 883 of the Internal  Revenue Code of the United  States
     (the "Code"), U.S. source income from the international  operation of ships
     is generally exempt from U.S. tax if the company  operating the ships meets
     both of the  following  requirements:  (a) the  Company is  organized  in a
     foreign  country  that  grants  an  equivalent  exception  to  corporations
     organized  in the  United  States  and (b)  either (i) more than 50% of the
     value  of  the  Company's  stock  is  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by
     individuals who are "residents" of the Company's country of organization or
     of  another  foreign  country  that  grants an  "equivalent  exemption"  to
     corporations  organized in the United States (the "50% Ownership  Test") or
     (ii)  the  Company's  stock  is  "primarily  and  regularly  traded  on  an
     established  securities market" in its country of organization,  in another
     country   that  grants  an   "equivalent   exemption"   to  United   States
     corporations,  or in the United States (the "Publicly-Traded  Test"). Under
     U.S.  Treasury  regulations,  a Company's  stock will be  considered  to be
     "regularly  traded" on an established  securities market if (i) one or more
     classes of its stock  representing  50  percent or more of its  outstanding
     shares, by voting power and value, is listed on the market and is traded on
     the market,  other than in minimal  quantities,  on at least 60 days during
     the taxable year;  and (ii) the aggregate  number of shares of stock traded
     during the taxable year is at least 10% of the average  number of shares of
     the stock outstanding during the taxable year.

     Treasury  regulations  interpreting  Section 883 were  promulgated in final
     form in August 2003.  These  regulations  apply to taxable years  beginning
     after September 24, 2004. As a result,  such  regulations  became effective
     for calendar year taxpayers, like the Company,  beginning with the calendar
     year 2005. Liberia and Cyprus, the jurisdictions  where the Company and its
     ship-owning subsidiaries are incorporated,  grant an "equivalent exemption"
     to United States corporations. Therefore, the Company is exempt from United
     States federal income taxation with respect to U.S.-source  shipping income
     if either the 50% Ownership Test or the Publicly-Traded Test is met.

     For the year ended December 31, 2005, the Company  determined  that it does
     not satisfy the  Publicly-Traded  Test on the basis that its shares are not
     "regularly  traded" because of the voting power held by its Class B shares.
     In addition, the Company does not satisfy the 50% Ownership Test because it
     is unable to substantiate  certain  requirements  regarding the identity of
     its  shareholders.  Since the Company does not qualify for exemption  under
     section 883 of the Code for taxable years  beginning on or after January 1,
     2005, its United States source shipping income will be subject to a 4% tax.
     For taxation  purposes,  United States source shipping income is defined as
     50% of shipping income that is attributable to  transportation  that begins
     or ends, but that does not both begin and end, in the United  States.  As a
     result,  an  amount  of  $311  was  recognized  in  the  accompanying  2005
     consolidated income statement.

13.  Voyage and Vessel Operating Expenses:

     The  amounts  in the  accompanying  consolidated  statements  of income are
     analyzed as follows:

     Voyage expenses                            2003       2004       2005
                                              --------   --------   --------
     Port charges                               1,721      1,796      1,330
     Bunkers                                    4,145      3,381      3,793
     Commissions charged by third parties       1,446      2,923      6,570
                                              --------   --------   --------
                                                7,312      8,100     11,693
     Commissions charged by a related party         -          -      1,412
                                              --------   --------   --------
                                                7,312      8,100     13,105
                                              ========   ========   ========

     Vessel Operating Expenses                  2003       2004       2005
                                              --------   --------   --------
     Crew wages and related costs               3,059      3,220      9,682
     Insurance                                    966      1,181      3,003
     Repairs, spares and maintenance            1,363      1,777      6,306
     Consumable stores                            930      1,077      4,615
     Taxes                                         40         49        113
     Miscellaneous                                171        214        496
                                              --------   --------   --------
                                                6,529      7,518     24,215
                                              ========   ========   ========

14.  Interest and Finance Costs:

     The  amounts  in the  accompanying  consolidated  statements  of income are
     analyzed as follows:

                                                 2003        2004       2005
                                             ---------    --------   --------
     Interest on long term debt                   395         243      9,538
     Amortization and write-off of
      financing costs                              39          39        622
     Bank Charges                                  39          81         99
                                             ---------    --------   --------
                                                  473         363     10,259
                                             =========    ========   ========

15.  Subsequent Events:

     (a)  On February 9, 2006,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  granted the
          Chairman of the Board  20,380 Class A or Class B shares at his option.
          The  market  value of Class A shares on the grant  date was $11.04 per
          share. The Chairman  requested and obtained an extension until May 15,
          2006 to declare his election. Such granting was subject to the consent
          of the majority of Class B shareholders who held more than 1,000 Class
          B shares each. The company has duly notified the  appropriate  Class B
          shareholders and the required consent has been granted.

     (b)  On March 2,  2006  based on an  addendum  to the  original  Management
          Termination   agreement   concluded  between  the  Company  and  Excel
          Management,  it was agreed  that the period  for the  issuance  of the
          shares described in Note 3 is extended until March 2, 2007.

     (c)  On  May  15,  2006,  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  granted  an
          additional  extension ot the Chairman of the Board until  November 15,
          2006 to declare his election as discussed in (a) above (unaudited).


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                          EXCEL MARITIME CARRIERS LTD.

Dated:  May 24, 2006                        By: /s/ Christopher J. Georgakis
                                                   Christopher J. Georgakis
                                                   President and
                                                   Chief Executive Officer

SK 02545 0001 671949