EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.   )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
     (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12

                              HARSCO CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5)  Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:


     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3)  Filing Party:


     (4)  Date Filed:


[Harsco Logo]



[Harsco Logo]

                                                              HARSCO CORPORATION
                                                          350 Poplar Church Road
                                                         Camp Hill, PA 17011 USA
                                                             Mail: P.O. Box 8888
                                                    Camp Hill, PA 17001-8888 USA

                                                         Telephone: 717.763.7064
                                                               Fax: 717.763.6424

March 26, 2002

To Our Stockholders:

You are cordially invited to attend the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
your Company, which will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2002, beginning at 10
a.m. at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel and Convention Center, Camp Hill,

Information about the Annual Meeting, including a listing and discussion of the
various matters on which you, as our stockholders, will act, may be found in the
formal Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement which
follow. We look forward to greeting as many of our stockholders as possible.

The Company is providing you with the opportunity to vote your shares by calling
a toll-free number or via the Internet as explained in the instructions on your
Proxy Card.

Whether you plan to attend the Annual Meeting or not, we urge you to fill in,
sign, date and return the enclosed Proxy Card, in the postage-paid envelope
provided, or vote by telephone or via the Internet, in order that as many shares
as possible may be represented at the Annual Meeting. The vote of every
stockholder is important and your cooperation in returning your executed Proxy
promptly will be appreciated.


/s/ Derek C. Hathaway
Derek C. Hathaway
Chairman, President and Chief
Executive Officer

P.O. Box 8888
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17001-8888


The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Harsco Corporation will be held on
Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at 10 a.m. at the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel and
Convention Center, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania to consider and act upon the
following matters:

     1. Election of four Directors to serve until the 2005 Annual Meeting of
        Stockholders, and until their successors are elected and qualified and
        one Director to serve until the 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and
        until his successor is elected and qualified;

     2. Approval of the appointment by the Board of Directors of
        PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants to audit the
        accounts of the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002;

     3. Such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting.

The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 6, 2002, as the
record date for the determination of stockholders who are entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Annual Meeting and at any adjournments thereof. The polls
will open at 9:30 a.m. on the date of the Annual Meeting and will close at
approximately 10:15 a.m. Proxies will be accepted continuously from the time of
mailing until the closing of the polls.


By Order of the Board of Directors,

/s/ Paul C. Coppock
Paul C. Coppock
Senior Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer,
General Counsel and Secretary
March 26, 2002

                                PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy Statement has been prepared in connection with the solicitation
by the Board of Directors of Harsco Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), of Proxies in the accompanying form to be used at the Annual Meeting
of Stockholders of the Company, to be held April 30, 2002, or at any adjournment
or adjournments of the Annual Meeting.

     The record date for stockholders of the Company entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Annual Meeting is the close of business on March 6, 2002. On the
record date, there were issued and outstanding 40,091,257 shares of the
Company's common stock, $1.25 par value (the "common stock"). This figure does
not include 26,498,422 shares reacquired and held by the Company as treasury
stock which will not be voted. All such shares are one class, with equal voting
rights, and each holder thereof is entitled to one vote on all matters voted on
at the Annual Meeting for each share registered in such holder's name. The
presence, in person or by proxy, of a majority of the issued and outstanding
shares of common stock is necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual
Meeting. Assuming that a quorum is present, the affirmative vote by the holders
of a plurality of the shares cast at the Annual Meeting will be required to act
on the election of directors. Assuming that a quorum is present, the affirmative
vote of the holders of at least a majority of the outstanding shares of common
stock of the Company entitled to vote, present in person or by proxy, will be
required with respect to the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
independent accountants for the current fiscal year and on all other matters to
come before the Annual Meeting.

     In certain circumstances, a stockholder will be considered to be present at
the Annual Meeting for quorum purposes but will not be deemed to have cast a
vote on a matter. Such circumstances exist when a stockholder is present but
specifically abstains from voting on a matter or when shares are represented at
the Annual Meeting by a proxy conferring authority to vote only on certain
matters ("broker non-votes"). In conformity with Delaware law, abstentions and
broker non-votes will not be treated as votes cast with respect to election of
directors, and therefore will not affect the outcome of such matter. With
respect to each other matter presented at the Annual Meeting, abstentions will
be treated as negative votes on such matters, while broker non-votes will not be
counted in determining the outcome.

     The shares of common stock represented by each properly executed proxy
received by the Board of Directors will be voted at the Annual Meeting in
accordance with the instructions specified therein. If no instructions are
specified, such shares of common stock will be voted FOR the election of
nominees for Directors and FOR the adoption of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants for the current fiscal
year. The Board of Directors knows of no other business to come before the
Annual Meeting. However, if any other matters are properly presented at the
Annual Meeting, or any adjournment of the Meeting, the persons voting the
proxies will vote them in accordance with their best judgment. Any proxy may be
revoked by notifying the Secretary of the Company in writing at any time prior
to the voting of the proxy.

     The principal executive offices of the Company are located at 350 Poplar
Church Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania (mailing address: P.O. Box 8888, Camp Hill,
Pennsylvania 17001-8888). This Proxy Statement and accompanying Notice of
Meeting and Proxy Card are first being mailed to stockholders on or about March
26, 2002.



     The Company currently has eleven Directors, of whom five have a term of
office which will expire at the 2002 Annual Meeting. The Company's By-laws
authorize the Board of Directors to fix the number of Directors from time to
time, provided that such number will not be less than five nor more than twelve.
In accordance with the By-laws, the Board of Directors has fixed the number of
Directors at eleven as of the 2002 Annual Meeting.

     At the 1986 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, a classified Board was adopted
and elected by the Company's stockholders. Under this system, the Board of
Directors is divided into three classes. One class is elected each year for a
three-year term. The class whose term will expire at the 2002 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders consists of five Directors. In order to keep the three classes of
Directors as nearly equal in number as practicable, Mr. Butler, who presently
has a term expiring in 2002, has been nominated to stand for reelection this
year to the class whose term will expire in 2004.

     The stockholders are asked to vote FOR Messrs. S. D. Fazzolari, A. J.
Sordoni, III, J. P. Viviano and Ms. C. F. Scanlan, all of whom have been duly
nominated by the Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the Nominating
Committee, to serve a term of office until the 2005 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders and Mr. G. D. H. Butler, duly nominated by the Board of Directors,
upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, to serve a term of office
until the 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, until their respective successors
have been elected and qualified. However, should any nominee become unavailable
or prove unable to serve for any reason, Proxies will be voted for the election
of such other person or persons as the Board of Directors may select to replace
such nominee. No circumstance is presently known which would render any nominee
named herein unavailable to serve.

     Each person named as a nominee for Director has advised the Company of the
nominee's willingness to serve if elected. The information set forth below
states the name of each nominee for Director and of each Director continuing in
office, his or her age, a description of present and previous positions, the
year in which he or she first became a Director of the Company, business
experience, other directorships held and the Committees of the Board on which
the individual serves.


                       NOMINEE FOR TERM EXPIRING IN 2004

                                                                                     OF THE
                                       POSITION WITH THE COMPANY                    COMPANY
     NAME        AGE                 AND PRIOR BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                   SINCE
     ----        ---                 -----------------------------                  --------
G. D. H. Butler   55   Senior Vice President -- Operations of the Corporation         2002
                       since 2000. Concurrently serves as President of the
                       Heckett MultiServ -- East Division and President of the
                       SGB Division. Was President of the Heckett
                       MultiServ -- East Division from 1994 to 2000. Served as
                       Managing Director -- Eastern Region of the Heckett
                       MultiServ Division in 1994. Served in various officer
                       positions within MultiServ International, N.V. prior to
                       1994 and prior to Harsco's acquisition of that corporation
                       in 1993.

                      NOMINEES FOR TERMS EXPIRING IN 2005

                                                                                     OF THE
                                       POSITION WITH THE COMPANY                    COMPANY
     NAME        AGE                 AND PRIOR BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                   SINCE
     ----        ---                 -----------------------------                  --------

S. D. Fazzolari   49   Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and             2002
                       Treasurer of the Corporation since 1999. Served as Senior
                       Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from January
                       1998 to August 1999. Served as Vice President and
                       Controller from January 1994 to December 1997 and as
                       Controller from January 1993 to January 1994.

C. F. Scanlan     54   Since 1996, President and Chief Executive Officer of The       1998
                       Health Alliance of Pennsylvania (representation and
                       advocacy organization) and Executive Vice President and
                       Chief Operating Officer since 1995. President and Chief
                       Executive Officer of The Hospital and Healthsystem
                       Association of Pennsylvania since 1995. Director of Health
                       Forum (knowledge transfer and e-commerce company), a
                       subsidiary of American Hospital Association. Served as
                       Chairman of the Board of PHICO Group (a medical
                       malpractice insurance company) since 1998, and served as
                       Chairman of PHICO Insurance Company, a wholly-owned
                       subsidiary of PHICO Group from 1998 to November 2001. On
                       August 16, 2001, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania
                       issued an Order of Rehabilitation for PHICO Insurance
                       Company which gave the Pennsylvania Insurance Department
                       statutory control over that company. On December 14, 2001,
                       PHICO Insurance Company's parent, PHICO Group, filed a
                       Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy
                       Court in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. On February 1, 2002,
                       the Pennsylvania Insurance Department declared the PHICO
                       Insurance Company insolvent and the Pennsylvania
                       Commonwealth Court issued an order authorizing the
                       Insurance Department to liquidate that company. The
                       decision of the Commonwealth Court has been appealed.
                       Member of the Management Development and Compensation and
                       Audit Committees.

A. J. Sordoni,    58   Chairman of Sordoni Construction Services, Inc. (building      1988
   III                 construction and management services company) and has been
                       employed by that company since 1967. Former Chairman and
                       Director of C-TEC Corporation and Mercom, Inc. Chairman of
                       the Nominating Committee; Member of the Management
                       Development and Compensation and Executive Committees.


                                                                                     OF THE
                                       POSITION WITH THE COMPANY                    COMPANY
     NAME        AGE                 AND PRIOR BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                   SINCE
     ----        ---                 -----------------------------                  --------
J. P. Viviano     63   Retired Vice Chairman of Hershey Foods Corporation. Was        1999
                       President and Chief Operating Officer of Hershey Foods
                       Corporation from 1994 to 1998 (confectionery and grocery
                       products). Mr. Viviano is a director of Chesapeake
                       Corporation, Huffy Corporation, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
                       Holdings, Inc. and RPM, Inc. Member of the Audit

                      DIRECTORS WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE IN 2003

                                                                                     OF THE
                                       POSITION WITH THE COMPANY                    COMPANY
     NAME        AGE                 AND PRIOR BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                   SINCE
     ----        ---                 -----------------------------                  --------
D. C. Hathaway   57    Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer since July     1991
                       31, 2000 and also from April 1, 1994 to January 1, 1998.
                       Was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from January 1,
                       1998 to July 31, 2000. Was President and Chief Executive
                       Officer from January 1, 1994 to April 1, 1994. Was
                       President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company from
                       May 1, 1991 to January 1, 1994. Held various executive
                       positions with the Company prior to 1991. Chairman of the
                       Executive Committee.

J. J.Jasinowski  63    President of the National Association of Manufacturers         1999
                       (business advocacy and policy association) since 1990. Mr.
                       Jasinowski is also an author and commentator on economic,
                       industrial and governmental issues. Mr. Jasinowski is a
                       director of Phoenix Home Life Insurance and WebMethods.
                       Member of the Audit and Nominating Committees.

D. H. Pierce     60    President and CEO of ABB Inc., the US subsidiary of global     2001
                       industrial, energy and automation provider ABB from 1999
                       until his retirement in June 2001. Between 1998 and 1999
                       he was president of Steam Power Plants and Environmental
                       Systems of ABB Inc. Between 1996 and 1998 he was Group
                       Executive Vice President -- The Americas Region and Member
                       of ABB Ltd. Group Executive Committee. Between 1994 and
                       1996 he was President of ABB China Ltd.

                      DIRECTORS WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE IN 2004

                                                                                     OF THE
                                       POSITION WITH THE COMPANY                    COMPANY
     NAME       AGE                  AND PRIOR BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                   SINCE
     ----       ---                  -----------------------------                  --------
J. I. Scheiner  57    President and Chief Operating Officer of Benatec                1995
                      Associates, Inc. (architectural and engineering consulting
                      company) since 1991. Previously, he was President of Stoner
                      Associates, Inc. and Vice President of Huth Engineers.
                      Served as Secretary of Revenue for the Commonwealth of
                      Pennsylvania, and served as Deputy Secretary for
                      Administration, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
                      He is a member of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and
                      Industry Board. Chairman of the Audit Committee and member
                      of the Executive and the Management Development and
                      Compensation Committees.


                                                                                     OF THE
                                       POSITION WITH THE COMPANY                    COMPANY
     NAME       AGE                  AND PRIOR BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                   SINCE
     ----       ---                  -----------------------------                  --------
I. C. Strachan  58    Deputy Chairman of Invensys plc (a controls and automation      2001
                      company) from 1999 to 2000. Chief Executive Officer of BTR
                      plc (an industrial manufacturing company) from 1996 and
                      1999. He was with Rio Tinto plc (formerly RTZ plc) (a
                      mining company) as Deputy Chief Executive Officer from 1991
                      to 1995 and as Chief Financial Officer from 1987 to 1991.
                      He serves on the boards of Transocean Sedco Forex Inc.,
                      Instinet Group Inc., Reuters PLC and Johnson Matthey plc.

R. C. Wilburn   58    President of the Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum         1986
                      Foundation since 2000. Former President and Chief Executive
                      Officer of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (historic
                      preservation and educational outreach organization) between
                      1992 and 1999. Other former positions include Distinguished
                      Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon University; President
                      of Carnegie Institute and Carnegie Library and Secretary of
                      Education for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He is a
                      Director of Erie Indemnity Company, Erie Family Life, and
                      CoManage. Chairman of the Management Development and
                      Compensation Committee; Member of the Nominating and
                      Executive Committees.


     The Board of Directors met seven times during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2001. Each of the Directors of the Board attended at least 75% of
the meetings of the Board and all Committees on which the Director served.

     The Nominating Committee recommends periodically to the Board prospective
Director candidates in light of resignations, retirements, or other changes in
the composition of the Board; proposes to the Board by January of each year a
slate of Directors for submission to the stockholders at the Annual Meeting; and
represents the Board in discussions with prospective Director candidates. The
Nominating Committee met four times in 2001.

     The Management Development and Compensation Committee administers the
Company's executive compensation policies and programs, advises the Board
concerning election of officers and executive salaries, and reviews and consults
with appropriate members of management with respect to organizational matters.
Areas of responsibility include, but are not necessarily limited to, planning
for management succession at the corporate and division level, particularly in
senior executive ranks, recommending to the Board the annual base salary of
corporate officers and division presidents, authorizing awards under the
Company's 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan and advising the Board
regarding the institution or amendment of any incentive or contingent
compensation plan applicable to officers of the Company. The Management
Development and Compensation Committee met six times in 2001. For additional
information regarding the policies and mission of the Compensation Committee see
the "Board Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation" which
appears beginning on page 11 of this Proxy Statement.

     The Audit Committee meets with members of management, the independent
accountants and internal auditors, reviews and approves the scope of audit and
non-audit services, and


considers the possible effect of non-audit services on the outside accountant's
independence. The Committee reviews the results of the annual audit and any
accounting or disclosure questions encountered in the course of the annual audit
and reviews the adequacy of internal controls and other financial issues. The
Committee provides a recommendation to the Board of Directors concerning
inclusion of the audited financial statements in the Company's Annual Report on
Form 10-K. The Chairman of the Committee or a member of the Committee designated
by the Chairman meets quarterly with management and the independent accountants
to review financial matters. The Audit Committee met three times in 2001.


     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Committee") is composed
of four Directors each of whom is independent as defined by the Rules of the New
York Stock Exchange. The Audit Committee operates under a written charter that
was adopted by the Board of Directors in 1992 and was revised on September 25,
2001. A copy of the charter, as revised, is included in this Proxy Statement as
Appendix A.

     The Audit Committee reports to and acts on behalf of the Board of Directors
by monitoring the Company's financial reporting processes and system of internal
controls, the independence and performance of the independent accountants and
the performance of the Company's internal auditors. The Company's management is
responsible for the Company's financial reporting process, including the
Company's system of internal controls and the preparation of the financial
statements. The independent accountants are responsible for performing an audit
of the Company's financial statements and issuing a report thereon.

     The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the consolidated financial
statements with management and the independent accountants. These discussions
focused on the quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting principles
used by the Company and the reasonableness of significant judgments made by
management in the preparation of the financial statements. Management has
represented to the Audit Committee that the Company's consolidated financial
statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting

     The Audit Committee also discussed with the Company's internal auditors and
independent accountants the overall scope and plans for their respective audits.
In addition, the Audit Committee discussed with the independent accountants
their independence from the Company and its management and the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communications with
Audit Committees). PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, the Company's independent
accountants, has provided the Audit Committee written disclosures and the letter
required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 concerning the
accountant's independence from the Company.

     Based on the review and discussions referred to above, the Audit
Committee's review of the representations of management and the report of the
independent accountants, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of
Directors that the Company's audited financial statements be included in the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31,


     J. I. Scheiner, Chairman
     J. J. Jasinowski
     C. F. Scanlan
     J. P. Viviano


     The following table sets forth the amount of audit fees, financial
information systems design and implementation fees, and all other fees billed or
expected to be billed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the Company's principal
accountant for the year ended December 31, 2001.

Audit Fees(1)...............................................    $1,620,000
Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation
  Fees(2)...................................................    $       --
All Other Fees(3)...........................................    $1,318,000
Total Fees..................................................    $2,938,000

(1) Includes annual financial statement audit and limited quarterly review

(2) No such services were provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for the most
    recent fiscal year.

(3) Includes fees of $502,000 related to audits of statutory financial
    statements. The remaining amount primarily represents services performed in
    connection with income tax services other than those directly related to the
    audit of the income tax accrual, audits of employee benefit plans and
    internal control and other attestation-type services.

     The Committee has considered the possible effect of non-audit services on
the accountants' independence and approved the type of non-audit services to be


     Non-employee Directors ("Outside Directors") of the Company currently
receive compensation of $31,500 per year plus $1,000 for participation at each
meeting of the Board and $1,000 for each committee meeting. Outside Directors
who are chairmen of the Audit and Nominating Committees receive additional
compensation of $4,000 per year and the Chairman of the Management Development
and Compensation Committee receives additional compensation of $5,000 per year.
Certain Outside Directors also receive compensation for special assignments in
their capacity as Director at the rate of $1,000 per day.

     Outside Directors are eligible to receive grants of nonqualified stock
options. Individuals who are Outside Directors on the first business day of May
of each year will automatically be granted on that date a nonqualified stock
option to purchase 2,000 shares of the Company's common stock at a price equal
to the market value on the date of grant. The Compensation Committee has no
discretion as to the eligibility, exercise price or size of awards to Outside
Directors. On May 1, 2001, the Company granted stock options in the amount of
2,000 shares each to the Outside Directors. The options permit the holders to
purchase shares at the price of $27.925 per share, exercisable in whole or in
part commencing one year after the date of grant and expiring on April 30, 2011.

     The Company maintains a Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee
Directors ("Deferred Compensation Plan") which allows each Outside Director to
elect to defer receipt of all or any portion of the director compensation until
a future date selected by the Director. The Director elects to hold the
accumulated deferred compensation in either an interest-bearing account or a
Harsco phantom share account. The interest-bearing deferred account accumulates
notional interest on the account balance at a rate equal to the five-year United
States Treasury Note yield rate in effect from time to time. Contributions to
the phantom stock account


are recorded as notional shares of the Company's common stock based upon the
number of shares of common stock that compensation payable on a given date would
have purchased at the market price of the stock on that date. Dividends that
would be earned on the phantom shares are credited to the account as additional
phantom shares. All phantom shares are non-voting and payments out of the
account are made solely in cash based upon the market price of the common stock
on the date of payment. Under certain circumstances, the accounts may be paid
out early upon termination of directorship following a change in control.
Directors are also permitted to make early withdrawals of their deferred
accounts subject to a 10% forfeiture.

     Directors who are actively employed by the Company receive no additional
compensation for serving as Directors and by policy, the Company does not pay
consulting or professional service fees to Directors.


     The following table sets forth, as of March 6, 2002, information with
respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company's outstanding voting
securities, stock options and other stock equivalents by (a) each Director (b)
the Company's Chief Executive Officer and the Company's four most highly
compensated other executive officers (the "Named Executives") and (c) all
Directors and executive officers as a group. All of the Company's outstanding
voting securities are common stock.

                                    NUMBER OF          NUMBER OF            NUMBER OF OTHER
NAME                                SHARES(1)    EXERCISABLE OPTIONS(2)    STOCK EQUIVALENTS
----                                ---------    ----------------------    -----------------
G. D. H. Butler...................       -0-             68,000                  24,000(5)
P. C. Coppock.....................    52,720(3)         155,000                  26,453(5)
S. D. Fazzolari...................    10,461            124,000                  25,261(5)
D. C. Hathaway....................   110,182            395,000                 108,053(5)
J. J. Jasinowski..................     1,200              6,000                   4,337(6)
R. W. Kaplan......................    17,719            127,200                  25,786(5)
D. H. Pierce......................     2,000              2,000                     937(6)
C. F. Scanlan.....................     1,500              8,000                     -0-
J. I. Scheiner....................     3,526             14,000                   2,219(6)
A. J. Sordoni, III................   107,500(4)          20,000                     -0-
I. C. Strachan....................       500                -0-                     -0-
J. P. Viviano.....................     5,400              6,000                   4,205(6)
R. C. Wilburn.....................     3,500             20,000                      55
All Directors and executive
  officers as a group. (14 persons
  in total, including those listed
  above)..........................   318,816            974,500                 227,604


(1) Includes, in the case of Messrs. Butler, Coppock, Fazzolari, Hathaway,
    Kaplan and all Directors and executive officers as a group, -0- shares,
    11,909 shares, 8,096 shares, 24,623 shares, 11,359 shares and 57,252 shares,
    respectively, pursuant to the Company's Savings Plan in respect of which
    such persons have shared voting power.

(2) Represents all stock options exercisable within 60 days of March 6, 2002
    awarded under the 1986 Stock Option Plan, the 1995 Executive Incentive
    Compensation Plan and the 1995 Non-Employee Directors' Stock Plan.
    Unexercised stock options have no voting power.


(3) Includes 18,480 shares owned by his wife as to which Mr. Coppock disclaims
    beneficial ownership.

(4) Includes 18,000 shares owned by his wife and children as to which Mr.
    Sordoni disclaims beneficial ownership.

(5) Includes stock options not exercisable within 60 days of March 6, 2002 and
    non-voting phantom shares held under the Supplemental Retirement Benefit
    Plan which will ultimately be paid out in cash based upon the value of
    shares of common stock at the time of the payout.

(6) Certain Directors have elected to defer a portion of their Directors' fees
    in the form of credits for non-voting phantom shares under the terms of the
    Company's Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors. These
    amounts will ultimately be paid out in cash based upon the value of the
    shares at the time of payout.

     Except as otherwise stated, each individual has sole voting and investment
power over the shares set forth opposite his name. As of March 6, 2002, none of
the Directors and executive officers individually beneficially owned more than
1% of the Company's common stock, and the Directors and executive officers of
the Company as a group beneficially owned approximately 2.5% of the Company's
outstanding common stock.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
Directors and certain of its officers to send reports of their ownership of
Harsco Corporation stock and changes in ownership to the Company and the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), The New York Stock Exchange,
Inc. and The Pacific Exchange, Inc. SEC regulations also require the Company to
identify in this Proxy Statement any person subject to this requirement who
failed to file any such report on a timely basis and the Company is not aware of
any such failure during 2001.


     Shown below is information with respect to each person or group known to
the Company to beneficially own more than five percent of the Company's common
stock. This information is derived from Schedules 13D and 13G filed by such
persons with the Securities and Exchange Commission during February 2002.

                                  NAME                         AMOUNT
                               AND ADDRESS                  AND NATURE OF
TITLE OF                      OF BENEFICIAL                  BENEFICIAL               PERCENT
CLASS                            OWNERS                       OWNERSHIP               OF CLASS
--------                  ---------------------    -------------------------------    --------
Common Stock............  Atlantic Investment      2,031,300 shares                     5.10
                          Management, Inc.         Sole dispositive and voting
                          666 Fifth Avenue         power over 2,031,300 shares
                          New York, NY 10103
Common Stock............  Barclays Global          2,210,338 shares                     5.53
                          Investors, Ltd.          Sole dispositive power over
                          Murray House             2,210,338 shares and sole
                          1 Royal Mint Court       voting power over 2,128,758
                          London, England          shares
                          EC3 NHH


                           ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The Company's executive compensation program is administered by the
Management Development and Compensation Committee ("Compensation Committee"), a
Committee of the Board of Directors composed of the non-employee Directors
listed below this Report. The Company considers all of the members of the
Compensation Committee to be independent and none of these Directors have any
interlocking or other relationships with the Company that are subject to
disclosure under the Securities and Exchange Commission rules relating to proxy
statements. All decisions of the Compensation Committee relating to the salaries
and grade levels of the Company's Executive Officers are approved by the full

     Set forth below is a report prepared by the members of the Compensation
Committee whose names appear below this Report, addressing the Company's
compensation policies for 2001 as they affected the Company's executive
officers, including the Named Executives.


     The Compensation Committee's executive compensation policies are designed

     - Provide incentives for achievement of the Company's annual and long-term
       performance goals;

     - Reinforce the common interest of management and the stockholders in
       enhancing shareholder value;

     - Reward individual initiative and achievement;

     - Provide levels of compensation that are fair, reasonable and competitive
       with comparable industrial companies; and

     - Attract and retain qualified executives who are critical to the Company's
       long-term success.

     At the 1995 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, the Board of Directors
proposed, and the stockholders overwhelmingly approved the 1995 Executive
Incentive Compensation Plan which the Board believes has provided an improved
basis for achieving these goals. The current compensation program is applicable
to all corporate and divisional officers of the Company and is composed
primarily of:

     - Salary based upon grade levels that reflect the degree of responsibility
       associated with the executive's position and the executive's past

     - Annual incentive compensation awarded under the 1995 Executive Incentive
       Compensation Plan, based upon achievement of specific goals established
       for the relevant business unit which are financial objectives (return on
       capital, earnings per share, and cash flow provided by operations);

     - Stock option grants under the 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan
       made annually by the Compensation Committee on the basis of the
       Committee's evaluation of each unit's strategic performance and the
       contribution of the executive, at its discretion with exercise prices
       equal to the market price at the date of grant; and

     - Various retirement and other benefits commonly found in similar


     The Compensation Committee believes that the Company benefits from a broad
based executive compensation program that extends the program's incentives to
approximately 38 division officers in addition to the six executive officers and
one other corporate officer. However, as an executive's level of responsibility
increases, a greater portion of his or her potential total compensation
opportunity should be based on performance incentives and a lesser portion on
salary, causing greater variability in the individual's total compensation from
year to year. This is achieved under the Company's current 1995 Executive
Incentive Compensation Plan by using the executive's numeric grade level and
annual salary as multipliers along with the proportion of target achievement
when computing annual incentive compensation awards.

     The Compensation Committee also believes that as executives rise to
positions that can have a greater impact on the Company's performance, the
compensation program should place more emphasis on the value of the common
stock. This objective is met by granting stock options for the Company's common
stock. The quantity of stock options granted to an individual in any year is
based upon the executive's grade level and the strategic performance of the
executive and the executive's business unit. The Company has not reset the
exercise price on any existing stock options in the past, and as a matter of
sound compensation policy, does not foresee doing so in the future.

     Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits the deductibility of
executive compensation for individuals in excess of $1 million per year paid by
publicly traded corporations to the chief executive officer and the four other
executives named in the compensation table of the Proxy Statement. The Company
has determined that given the rates of compensation currently in effect and the
exemption under Internal Revenue Service regulations applicable to income
derived from stock options granted under the Harsco 1986 Stock Option Plan or
the 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan, and the exemption applicable to
the performance based incentive compensation bonuses under the 1995 Executive
Incentive Compensation Plan, the Company's exposure to any nondeductibility of
executive compensation expense under Section 162(m) in the 2001 tax year should
be limited to approximately $75,000 for compensation paid to the Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer. In 1995, the Company obtained stockholder
approval of the 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan, which was designed
to preserve the deductibility to the extent possible, of executive compensation
resulting from performance based awards under that Plan. The Company obtained
renewal of that approval by the stockholders in 1998 and again in 2001.


     In 2000, the Committee conducted an in-depth review of the Company's
officer compensation structure with the assistance of compensation consultant,
Towers Perrin. The study confirmed that while total cash compensation (salary
plus target annual bonus) for the officer corps approximated the median of the
comparative survey data, the Company's officer compensation scheme was
structured to pay salaries that were generally below the median paid at
comparable companies, and that the annual incentive compensation opportunity was
higher. The study also indicated that long-term incentive compensation was below
the median at the upper officer levels. These findings and the Company's
experience in recent years led the Committee to conclude that the compensation
budget could be deployed to more effectively achieve the goals of attracting,
retaining, and motivating executives. The gap between the Company's base
salaries and the industry median was making the compensation package
uncompetitive in many cases.


     In December 2000, the Committee resolved this problem by shifting a portion
of the annual bonus opportunity into the officers' base salaries. This was
achieved by amending the terms for the annual incentive compensation calculation
to lower the bonus opportunity as a percentage of salary commencing with the
2001 plan year, and raising salaries effective January 1, 2001 to bring them
more closely in line with competitive medians. Under the existing terms of the
annual incentive compensation plan, target bonus opportunity was calculated
under the following formula:

             .04 X grade level X salary = target bonus opportunity

     Beginning with the 2001 plan year, the .04 factor is lowered to .02 and the
factor for maximum bonus opportunity is reduced from .06 to .03.

     At a meeting in January 2001, the Committee adjusted the Company's stock
option award guidelines to more closely align long-term incentive compensation
opportunity with the median levels indicated by the Towers Perrin survey data.
The effect of these changes is to generally bring each of the three main
components of the Company's executive compensation plan, and the total of the
three components, closer to the median compensation levels at other companies of
similar size.


     The Company currently ties executive pay to corporate performance primarily
through the 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan awards that are based
upon achievement of objectives adopted by the Compensation Committee, and stock
option grants which only provide realizable compensation through increases in
the stock price.

  Annual Incentive Compensation Plan

     The opportunity for the six executive officers and one other corporate
officer to earn compensation under the terms of the 1995 Executive Incentive
Compensation Plan in effect for 2001 was dependent upon meeting the three
equally weighted financial objectives for the Company established by the
Compensation Committee prior to the beginning of the plan year. In addition to
awards under the Plan, the Committee made special cash bonus awards for 2001 to
four executive officers and one corporate officer for the successful integration
of the SGB Group business into the Company following the acquisition of that
business in 2000. For divisional officers, the award was based on achievement of
the business unit's three financial objectives established by the Compensation
Committee prior to the beginning of the year. The goals for 2001 were based upon
return on capital, earnings per share, and cash flow provided by operations.

     No award will be made for achievement of only the minimum performance
level, but awards will begin to be earned as performance in each of the
designated objective categories rises above the minimum. For 2001, achieving
target levels of performance in all objectives results in an award that is 67%
of the award for achieving the maximum level of performance against all
objectives, and the award will continue to rise correspondingly as the achieved
results approach the maximum objective performance levels set by the
Compensation Committee.

     The Compensation Committee establishes minimum, target and maximum
financial objectives for the corporate office and each division for that year,
which will constitute 100% of the annual bonus criteria for the officers. The
corporate officer financial objectives for minimum, target and maximum
achievement are established based upon a consolidation of the financial


goals for the operating divisions. Thus, the incentive compensation awards of
the corporate officers are closely related to the overall performance of the
divisions against their financial goals.

     The executive officers attained 28% of maximum achievement for the 2001
goals resulting in each of the executive officers earning 28% of the maximum
annual incentive compensation for 2001 under the Plan. The amounts of the awards
under the Plan and the special cash bonuses are summarized in the Summary
Compensation Table.

  Stock Options

     As shown in the table that follows, the Compensation Committee granted
stock options to the executive officers on January 22, 2001 under the 1995
Executive Incentive Compensation Plan with an exercise price of $25.63 per
share, which was the market price on the date of grant. This Plan was approved
by the stockholders in 1995 and is used to make grants to other corporate
officers and key employees, division officers as well as the executive officers.
The number of options granted to each officer is determined by grade level and
the Committee's evaluation of the strategic performance of the individual and
the individual's unit. Thus, the Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer, Mr. Hathaway, who has the highest grade level, received the largest
award. The absolute maximum stock option award as provided in the 1995 Plan is
150,000 shares for any single participant in a calendar year.

     The guidelines for the maximum annual number of options granted for each
grade level were established in January 2001 based upon a recommendation from
Towers Perrin, a compensation consulting firm, and that firm's 2000 survey of
the long-term incentive compensation and total compensation practices of major
United States companies. Towers Perrin used a Black-Scholes valuation of the
Company's options to make comparisons of compensation value. In determining the
January 22, 2001 grants, the Committee considered the number of options
previously granted to participants under the 1986 Stock Option Plan and the 1995
Plan, and the increase in the aggregate number that would be outstanding upon
approval of the 2001 grants.


     The Compensation Committee completed its annual review of salaries of all
corporate and division officers, including the Named Executives, at its December
14, 2000 Committee meeting. As discussed above, the Committee considered an
analysis of compensation survey data that the compensation consultant, Towers
Perrin had prepared, and determined that a combination of increases in salary
and reductions in bonus opportunity should be made. This change was implemented
effective January 1, 2001, making the salaries competitive with industry medians
and lowering the bonus opportunity to more closely reflect industry norms.

     Each year, the Compensation Committee adjusts the salary of each executive
officer based upon the available salary budget, the performance of each officer,
comparison survey data provided by one or more major consulting firms,
comparison to other internal salaries and the Company's salary range structure
for various grade levels. The salary range structure for various grade levels is
also revised from time to time based upon industry survey data provided by
Towers Perrin. Based on this information, the Committee, at its December 2000
meeting, approved an increase in the salary range structure for all officer
grade levels. The Towers Perrin industry compensation survey considered by the
Committee is a broad based survey of companies selected by the consulting firm
which are not limited to the companies within the


Dow Jones Industrial-Diversified Index referenced elsewhere in the Proxy
Statement, though some of those companies may have been included in the survey.

     The compensation study that Towers Perrin prepared for the Company in 2000
analyzed competitive compensation levels and total direct compensation (defined
as base salary, annual incentives and long-term incentives in the form of cash
and stock option awards) for the Company's key executive positions. The analysis
was based on competitive data from Towers Perrin's 2000 Executive Compensation
Data Base Survey for general industry companies with annual revenues between $1
and $3 billion. The salary increases effective January 1, 2001 were based upon
that analysis, and a review of the performance of each officer. The salary for
the Chief Executive Officer in 2000 was below the median in the Towers Perrin
analysis, but was less than 1% above the 75th percentile in 2001 following the
reduction in bonus opportunity and corresponding increase in salary. The total
of salary plus target bonus opportunity for the Chief Executive Officer in 2001
was between the 50th and 75th percentile. The 2001 salaries for the other
executive officers ranged between 7% above and 9% below the Towers Perrin
medians for those positions.

     In preparation for future compensation adjustments, the Committee intends
to periodically review similar detailed survey data. In general, the Committee
strives to maintain total compensation packages which range from moderately
below to moderately above the industry medians.

  Other Compensation

     The Company has certain other broad based employee benefit plans in which
the executive officers participate on the same terms as non-executive employees,
including health insurance, the Savings Plan and the term life insurance benefit
equal to two times the individual's salary. In addition, the executive officers
participate in the Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan as described elsewhere
in this Proxy Statement, which supplements both the qualified pension plan and
the Company's 401(k) Savings Plan.


     The incentive plan cash, stock options, and salary awarded or paid to Mr.
Hathaway with respect to 2001 are discussed in the Summary Compensation Table on
page 17 in this Proxy Statement with respect to amounts, and in this Report with
respect to the factors considered by the Compensation Committee. Of the total
$1,236,125 in cash compensation paid to Mr. Hathaway for 2001 as reflected in
the Summary Compensation Table, 17.4% was dependent upon achieving performance
objectives under the 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan. This is
consistent with the Compensation Committee's view that those executives most
able to affect the performance of the Company should have a significant portion
of their potential total compensation opportunity at risk based upon Company
performance. Those Company performance objectives are composed of financial
objectives. The Compensation Committee believes that attainment of specific,
measurable financial goals is an important determinant of total return to
stockholders over the long-term and has the advantage of not being subject to
period vagaries of the common stock price. However, the Compensation Committee
also believes that the Chief Executive Officer and other officers should share
in the gains or losses of common stock value experienced by the stockholders in
order to reinforce the alignment of their respective interests. Therefore, the
Compensation Committee utilizes stock option grants as an important component of
compensation. The Compensation Committee believes that the combined effect of
these compensation elements is to establish strong


incentives to achieve results which will provide stockholders with the
investment returns that they seek.


     At the 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, the stockholders approved an
amendment to the 1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan that enables the
Company to implement economic value-added measures as performance criteria for
determining annual incentive compensation awards. The Committee, with assistance
from Stern Stewart & Co., has adopted an economic value-added ("EVA(R)") based
annual incentive compensation plan for the corporate and division officers for
the 2002 plan year. The annual incentive compensation awards for 2002 will be
based upon minimum, target and maximum EVA improvement goals that the Committee
has established in consultation with Stern Stewart for each business unit.

     Economic value-added is a measurement of the amount by which the Company's
after tax profits, after certain adjustments, exceed the cost of capital
employed by the Company. The use of economic value-added as a performance
measurement for incentive compensation is designed to help managers in making
decisions that lead to overall improvement in shareholder value, taking into
account not only profits generated, but the economic cost of capital to generate
the profits.

     In summary, the Committee believes that the Company's total compensation
program achieves the objective of providing meaningful and appropriate rewards,
recognizing both current performance contributions and the attainment of
long-term strategic business goals of critical importance to the future growth
of Harsco Corporation.


     R. C. Wilburn, Chairman
     C. F. Scanlan
     J. I. Scheiner
     A. J. Sordoni, III




     The following table sets forth information concerning the compensation
awarded to, earned by or paid to the Named Executives for services rendered to
the Company in all capacities during each of the last three fiscal years.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                ANNUAL COMPENSATION       SECURITIES    ALL OTHER
NAME AND                                      ------------------------    UNDERLYING     COMPEN-
PRINCIPAL                                            SALARY     BONUS      OPTIONS       SATION
POSITION                                      YEAR     ($)       ($)        (#)(1)       ($)(2)
---------                                     ----   -------   -------   ------------   ---------
D. C. Hathaway..............................  2001   852,500   215,290     125,000       220,806
  Chairman, President &                       2000   620,000   896,520     100,000        39,209
  Chief Executive Officer                     1999   560,000   686,952      50,000        98,275

G. D. H. Butler(3)..........................  2001   375,200   258,888      40,000           -0-
  Senior Vice President -- Operations         2000   223,808   303,193      10,000           -0-
                                              1999   214,000   227,696      10,000        79,249

P. C. Coppock...............................  2001   309,000    59,827      40,000        63,864
  Senior Vice President,                      2000   235,000   260,521      20,000        13,675
  Chief Administrative Officer,               1999   227,000   220,848      20,000        35,130
  General Counsel & Secretary

S. D. Fazzolari.............................  2001   309,000    59,827      40,000        63,864
  Senior Vice President, Chief                2000   235,000   260,521      20,000        13,033
  Financial Officer & Treasurer               1999   205,000   199,445      20,000        24,232

R. W. Kaplan(4).............................  2001   325,000    62,925      40,000        66,766
  Senior Vice President -- Operations         2000   235,000   260,521      20,000        13,033
                                              1999   205,000   199,445      20,000        26,259

(1) Represents stock options granted in the respective years. The Company
    granted these options, relating to shares of its common stock, to certain
    employees, including executive officers, of the Company under its 1995
    Executive Incentive Compensation Plan. Options granted during a particular
    year are not exercisable for twelve months following the date of grant,
    unless a change in control of the Company occurs, nor are they exercisable
    ten years after the date of grant. The exercise price per share of options
    granted under the Plan was one hundred percent (100%) of the fair market
    value of common stock at the date of grant.

(2) For 2001, represents Company Savings Plan contributions and certain
    Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan contributions made on behalf of the
    Named Executives. The Company maintains the Harsco Corporation Savings Plan
    which includes the "Salary Reduction" feature afforded by Section 401(k) of
    the Internal Revenue Code. Eligible employees may authorize the Company to
    contribute from 1% to 16% of their pre-tax compensation to the Savings Plan.
    The Company makes matching contributions for the purchase of common stock of
    the Company for the account of each participating employee equal to 50% of
    the first 1% to 6% of such employee's "Salary Reduction" contribution. Under
    the Supplemental Savings Benefit portion of the Supplemental Retirement

    Plan, if the IRS-imposed limitations on Section 401(k) Savings Plan
    contributions are reached by a Named Executive for a given year, so that he
    is unable to make the maximum 6% of pre-tax compensation "Salary Reduction"
    contribution that would be subject to the Company's matching contributions
    under the Savings Plan, the Company will make contributions on behalf of
    such Named Executive to the Supplemental Savings Benefit portion of the
    Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan in an amount equal to the amount of the
    matching contributions that it would have made under the Savings Plan if the
    Executive could have contributed the full 6% of his pre-tax compensation,
    less the amount of matching contributions that the Company actually made for
    his benefit under the Savings Plan. Such Company contributions to the
    Supplemental Retirement Benefit portion of the Supplemental Retirement
    Benefit Plan are credited in the form of phantom shares based upon the value
    of common stock on the date of the Company's contributions. Dividends that
    would have been paid on common stock are credited as additional phantom
    shares, and all phantom shares will ultimately be paid out in cash based
    upon the value of shares of common stock at the time of payment. For 2001,
    includes a special cash bonus for successful integration of the SGB Group
    business after acquiring it in 2000.

(3) Mr. Butler was elected Senior Vice President -- Operations effective
    September 26, 2000. He serves concurrently as President of the Heckett
    MultiServ -- East Division. Effective September 26, 2000, Mr. Butler was
    appointed to the additional position of President of the SGB Division. Mr.
    Butler's salary and bonus are designated in U.S. dollars, but he is paid in
    British pounds at a conversion rates that were in effect during the
    respective periods.

(4) Mr. Kaplan was elected Senior Vice President -- Operations effective July 1,
    1998 and is concurrently President of the Harsco Gas & Fluid Control Group.


                                 STOCK OPTIONS

     The following table contains information concerning the number of stock
options granted to each Named Executive under the Company's 1995 Executive
Incentive Compensation Plan during the last fiscal year:

                             OPTION GRANTS IN 2001

                                                               INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                                          NUMBER OF    % OF TOTAL
                                          SECURITIES    OPTIONS
                                          UNDERLYING   GRANTED TO   EXERCISE
                                           OPTIONS     EMPLOYEES    OR BASE                 GRANT DATE
                                           GRANTED     IN FISCAL     PRICE     EXPIRATION     PRESENT
NAME                                        (#)(1)        YEAR       ($/SH)       DATE      VALUE($)(2)
----                                      ----------   ----------   --------   ----------   -----------
D. C. Hathaway --.......................   125,000        17.6       25.63      01/21/11      851,250
  Chairman, President & Chief Executive
G. D. H. Butler --......................    40,000         5.6       25.63      01/21/11      272,400
  Senior Vice President -- Operations
P. C. Coppock --........................    40,000         5.6       25.63      01/21/11      272,400
  Senior Vice President, Chief
  Administrative Officer, General
  Counsel & Secretary
S. D. Fazzolari --......................    40,000         5.6       25.63      01/21/11      272,400
  Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
  Officer & Treasurer
R. W. Kaplan --.........................    40,000         5.6       25.63      01/21/11      272,400
  Senior Vice President -- Operations

(1) The Company granted these options, for shares of its common stock, to
    certain employees, including executive officers, of the Company under its
    1995 Executive Incentive Compensation Plan. The Company's 1995 Executive
    Incentive Compensation Plan authorizes the Compensation Committee to grant
    stock options to purchase common stock, as well as stock appreciation rights
    to certain officers and employees who in the discretion of the Compensation
    Committee significantly impact the profitability of the Company. Options
    granted during a particular year are not exercisable for twelve months
    following the date of grant, unless a change in control of the Company
    occurs, nor are they exercisable more than ten years after the grant. The
    exercise price per share of options granted under the 1995 Executive
    Incentive Compensation Plan was one hundred percent (100%) of the fair
    market value of common stock at the date of grant. There were no stock
    appreciation rights granted in 2001.

(2) The fair value of the options granted during 2001 is estimated on the date
    of grant using the binomial option pricing model. This estimate has been
    developed for purposes of comparative disclosure and does not necessarily
    reflect the Company's view of the value of the option. The estimated value
    has been determined based upon the terms of the option grant, the common
    stock price performance history, the Company's experience that its options,
    on average, are exercised within four years of grant, a $0.96 dividend and a
    5% rate of dividend increase. Options expiring in January 2011 are assumed
    to have stock volatility of 37% and a 4.96% risk-free interest rate.


                         OPTION EXERCISES AND HOLDINGS

     The following table sets forth information, with respect to the Named
Executives, concerning the exercise of options during fiscal year 2001 and
unexercised options at December 31, 2001:

                      AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN 2001
                         AND OPTION VALUES AT 12/31/01

                                                         NUMBER OF SECURITIES          VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                               SHARES                   UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED             IN-THE-MONEY
                              ACQUIRED                        OPTIONS AT                    OPTIONS AT
                                 ON        VALUE            12/31/01(#)(2)                12/31/01($)(3)
                              EXERCISE    REALIZED    ---------------------------   ---------------------------
NAME                            (#)        ($)(1)     EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE   EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE
----                          --------   ----------   -----------   -------------   -----------   -------------
D. C. Hathaway --...........     -0-            -0-     270,000        125,000       1,460,900      1,083,750
  Chairman, President &
  Chief Executive Officer
G. D. H. Butler --..........     -0-            -0-      28,000         40,000         129,400        346,800
  Senior Vice President --
Paul C. Coppock --..........     -0-            -0-     115,000         40,000         608,050        346,800
  Senior Vice President,
  Chief Administrative
  Officer, General Counsel &
S. D. Fazzolari --..........     -0-            -0-      84,000         40,000         398,500        346,800
  Senior Vice President,
  Chief Financial Officer &
R. W. Kaplan --.............   9,022     123,098.60      87,200         40,000         537,360        346,800
  Senior Vice President --

(1) Represents the difference between the exercise price and the market price of
    common stock on the date of exercise.

(2) Options granted during a particular year are not exercisable for twelve
    months following the date of grant unless a change in control of the Company

(3) Represents the difference between the exercise price and the market price of
    common stock on December 31, 2001, multiplied by the number of in-the-money
    unexercised options contained in the respective category. Average market
    price at December 31, 2001 was $34.48 per share. Options are in-the-money
    when the market price of the underlying securities exceeds the exercise


                            STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The following performance graph compares the yearly percentage change in
the cumulative total stockholder return (assuming the reinvestment of dividends)
on the Company's common stock against the cumulative total return of the
Standard & Poor's MidCap 400 Index and the Dow Jones Industrial-Diversified
Index for the past five years. The graph assumes an initial investment of $100
on December 31, 1996 in the Company's common stock or in the underlying
securities which comprise each of those market indices. The information
contained in the graph is not necessarily indicative of future Company

                       INDUSTRIAL-DIVERSIFIED INDEX(1)(2)
                         FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31


                        1996      1997      1998      1999      2000      2001
 Harsco Corporation      100       129        93       100        80       114
 S&P MidCap 400
  Index                  100       132       158       181       212       196
 Dow Jones
Industrial-Diversified   100       142       182       247       249       224


(1) Peer companies included in the Dow Jones Industrial-Diversified Index are:
    Albany International Corp., Briggs & Stratton Corp., Capstone Turbine Corp.,
    Carlisle Companies Inc., Crane Company Inc., Dover Corporation, Eaton Corp.,
    Emerson Electric Co., Flowserve Corp., FMC Corporation, General Electric
    Co., Honeywell International Inc., Illinois Tool Works, Inc., Ingersoll-Rand
    Company, ITT Industries Inc., Kaydon Corp., Kennametal Inc., Minnesota
    Mining & Manufacturing Co., Mueller Industries Inc., Parker Hannifin
    Corporation, Pentair Inc., Rockwell International Corp., Roper Industries
    Inc., The


    Shaw Group Inc., Teleflex Inc., Textron Inc., The Timken Company and Tyco
    International Ltd.

(2) In December 2001, Dow Jones restructured its industry classification system.
    The net result of this change is that all US indexes will show differences
    when compared to the prior index series.


     The Company provides retirement benefits for each officer under the
Supplemental Retirement Benefit Plan ("Supplemental Plan"). All executive
officers are covered by the Supplemental Plan excepting G.D.H. Butler who is
covered by the U.K. pension plan described below. The Supplemental Plan replaces
the 401(k) Company match lost due to government limitations on such
contributions. The replacement is in the form of phantom shares as more fully
described in footnote 2 on page 17. All U.S. executive officers are also covered
by the qualified pension plan. Each plan is a defined benefit plan providing for
normal retirement at age 65. Early retirement may be taken commencing with the
first day of any month following the attainment of age 55, provided at least 15
years of service have been completed. Early retirement benefits commencing prior
to age 65 are reduced. The Supplemental Plan also provides for unreduced pension
benefits if retirement occurs after age 62, provided at least 30 years of
service have been completed. The Supplemental Plan provides for a preretirement
death benefit payable in a monthly benefit to a beneficiary designated by the
participant for participants who die after qualifying for benefits. The
Supplemental Plan also includes provisions which fully vest participants upon
termination of employment following a "change in control" of the Company as
defined in the Supplemental Plan.

     Total pension benefits are based on final average compensation and years of
service. The normal retirement benefit under the Supplemental Plan is equal to a
total of .8% of final average compensation up to the "Social Security Covered
Compensation" as defined in the Supplemental Plan plus 1.6% of the final average
compensation in excess of the "Social Security Covered Compensation" multiplied
by up to 33 years of service, reduced by the benefits under the qualified plan.
Final average compensation is defined as the aggregate compensation (base salary
plus nondiscretionary incentive compensation) for the 60 highest consecutive out
of the last 120 months prior to date of retirement or termination of employment
for any reason prior to normal retirement date.

     The following table shows estimated total annual pension benefits payable
to the U. S. executive officers of the Company under the qualified pension plan
and the Supplemental Plan, including the Named Executives upon retirement at age
65, in various remuneration and year-of-service classifications, assuming the
total pension benefit was payable as a straight life annuity guaranteed for ten
years and retirement took place on January 1, 2002.


                     PENSION PLAN TABLE -- U.S. EXECUTIVES

                                                   YEARS OF SERVICE
REMUNERATION(1)               10         15         20         25         30         35*
---------------             -------    -------    -------    -------    -------    -------
  300,000.................   44,844     67,267     89,689    112,111    134,533    147,987
  400,000.................   60,844     91,267    121,689    152,111    182,533    200,787
  500,000.................   76,844    115,267    153,689    192,111    230,533    253,587
  600,000.................   92,844    139,267    185,689    232,111    278,533    306,387
  700,000.................  108,844    163,267    217,689    272,111    326,533    359,187
  800,000.................  124,844    187,267    249,689    312,111    374,533    411,987
  900,000.................  140,844    211,267    281,689    352,111    422,533    464,787
1,000,000.................  156,844    235,267    313,689    392,111    470,533    517,587
1,100,000.................  172,844    259,267    345,689    432,111    518,533    570,387
1,200,000.................  188,844    283,267    377,689    472,111    566,533    623,187
1,300,000.................  204,844    307,267    409,689    512,111    614,533    675,987
1,400,000.................  220,844    331,267    441,689    552,111    662,533    728,787
1,500,000.................  236,844    355,267    473,689    592,111    710,533    781,587
1,600,000.................  252,844    379,267    505,689    632,111    758,533    834,387

 *  The Supplemental Plan has a 33 year service maximum.

(1) Final average compensation for the U.S. Named Executives as of the end of
    the last calendar year is: Mr. Hathaway: $1,300,918.40; Mr. Coppock:
    $487,951.60; Mr. Fazzolari: $382,751.60; and Mr. Kaplan: $421,421.40. The
    estimated credited years of service for each Named Executive are as follows:
    Mr. Hathaway: 35.5 years; Mr. Coppock: 20.5 years; Mr. Fazzolari: 21.5
    years; and Mr. Kaplan: 22.5 years.

     The Company does not provide retiree medical benefits to its executive

     The following table shows estimated total annual pension benefits payable
to the U.K. executive officer of the Company, Mr. Butler, for life, under the
Harsco Pension Scheme, a qualified pension plan in the U.K., upon retirement at
age 60, which is normal retirement age under the Scheme, in various remuneration
and year-of-service classifications, assuming the total pension benefit was
payable and retirement took place on January 1, 2002. The benefit would be paid
in British pounds and all amounts in the table below are stated in U.S. dollars
at a conversion rate of $1.4560 = L1.00. The Scheme provides that if the
participant dies within five years after starting to receive a pension, a lump
sum will be paid equal to the pension payments that would have been made during
the remainder of the five year period. The annual pension benefit is based on
the highest annual total of salary and bonus within the last five years (or the
highest average amount of annual salary plus bonus received in any three
consecutive scheme years within the last ten years, if higher) ("Final
Pensionable Salary") and the years of service, subject to various deductions for
service prior to April 6, 1989, and a statutory limitation of two thirds of the
Final Pensionable Salary.


                      PENSION PLAN TABLE -- U.K. EXECUTIVE

                                                 YEARS OF SERVICE
REMUNERATION(1)           10          15          20          25          30          35
---------------        --------    --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
  300,000............    54,990      82,500     109,980     137,490     165,000     198,000
  400,000............    73,320     110,000     146,640     183,320     220,000     264,000
  500,000............    91,650     137,500     183,300     229,150     275,000     330,000
  600,000............   109,980     165,000     219,960     274,980     330,000     396,000
  700,000............   128,310     192,500     256,620     320,810     385,000     462,000
  800,000............   146,640     220,000     293,280     366,640     440,000     528,000
  900,000............   164,970     247,500     329,940     412,470     495,000     594,000
1,000,000............   183,300     275,000     366,600     458,300     550,000     660,000


(1) Final Pensionable Salary for G.D.H. Butler as of the end of the last
    calendar year is $593,607. The estimated credited years of service for Mr.
    Butler is 32.5 years.


     On September 25, 1989, the Board of Directors authorized the Company to
enter into employment agreements with certain officers, including Messrs.
Hathaway, Coppock and Kaplan, and subsequently with Messrs. Fazzolari and Butler
(the "Agreements"). Pursuant to those authorizations, the Company entered into
individual Agreements with the Named Executive Officers. The Agreements are
designed as an inducement to retain the services of the officers and provide for
continuity of management during the course of any threatened or attempted change
in control of the Company. The Agreements are also intended to ensure that, if a
possible change in control should arise and the officer should be involved in
deliberations or negotiations in connection with the possible change in control,
the officer would be in a position to consider as objectively as possible
whether the possible change in control transaction is in the best interests of
the Company and its stockholders without concern for his position or financial
well-being. Should a change in control occur, the Agreements provide for
continuity of management following the change by imposing certain obligations of
continued employment on the officers.

     Under the Agreements, the Company and the officers agree that in the event
of a change in control, such officer will remain in the Company's employ for a
period of three years from the date of the change in control (or to such
officer's normal retirement date, if earlier), subject to such officer's right
to resign during a thirty-day period commencing one year from the date of the
change in control or for good reason, as defined in the Agreement. If such
officer's employment terminates within three years after a change in control for
any reason other than cause as defined in the Agreements, resignation without
good reason as defined in the Agreements, or disability or death, such officer
will be paid a lump sum amount equal to such officer's average annual gross
income reported on Form W-2 (P-60 for Mr. Butler) for the most recent five
taxable years prior to the change in control, multiplied by the lesser of 2.99
or the number of whole and fractional years left to such executive officer's
normal retirement date, plus interest. The payment may be subject to reduction
to avoid adverse tax consequences.

     For purposes of the Agreements, a "change in control" would be deemed to
have occurred if (i) any person or group acquires 20% or more of the Company's
issued and outstanding shares of common stock; (ii) the members of the Board as
of the date of the Agreements (the "Incumbent Board") including any person
subsequently becoming a Director whose election, or nomination for election by
the Company's shareholders, was approved by a majority of the


Directors then comprising the Incumbent Board, cease to constitute a majority of
the Board of the Company as a result of the election of Board members pursuant
to a contested election; (iii) the stockholders approve of a reorganization,
merger or consolidation that results in the stockholders of the Company
immediately prior to such reorganization, merger or consolidation owning less
than 50% of the combined voting power of the Company; or (iv) the stockholders
approve the liquidation or dissolution of the Company or the sale of all or
substantially all of the Company's assets.

     If such provisions under the applicable Agreements had become operative on
January 1, 2002, the Company would have been required to pay Messrs. Hathaway,
Butler, Coppock, Fazzolari and Kaplan the following termination payments based
on compensation information available at December 31, 2001: $4,070,341,
$1,297,881, $1,528,685, $1,171,965 and $1,307,628, respectively.

     On September 26, 1988, the Company entered into an agreement with Mr.
Hathaway which provides that for purposes of calculating his retirement
benefits, his years of service will be deemed to have commenced June 20, 1966.


     The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, has
designated PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants to audit the
financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002, subject to
stockholder approval. This firm has audited the financial statements of the
Company and its predecessors since 1929. Although neither the Restated
Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws nor the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware, the state of incorporation, requires the election or approval
of the selection of independent accountants, the Board of Directors desires that
the selection of independent accountants be approved by the stockholders. Such
designation of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will be submitted to the Annual
Meeting for confirmation or rejection, and, in the absence of contrary
direction, it is intended that Proxies in the accompanying form will be voted in
favor of confirmation. A representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will
attend the Annual Meeting, with the opportunity to make a statement and answer
questions of stockholders.

     If this proposal is not approved by a majority of the shares entitled to
vote at the Annual Meeting present in person or by proxy, the appointment of the
independent accountants will be reevaluated by the Board of Directors. However,
due to the difficulty and expense of making any substitution of accountants, it
is contemplated that the appointment for the fiscal year ending December 31,
2002 will be permitted to stand. The Board will then make an independent
business judgment as to whether to seek new independent accountants for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2003.

     The Audit Committee of the Company's Board of Directors, at its meeting
held on September 25, 2001, reviewed and approved the fee estimate for the
annual audit of the Company's fiscal 2001 financial statements and, taking into
consideration the possible effect of non-audit services on the accountants'
independence, also approved the type of non-audit services to be rendered.

     The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the stockholders vote
FOR this proposal.



     The cost of this solicitation of Proxies will be borne by the Company. In
addition to solicitation by use of mail, employees of the Company may solicit
Proxies personally or by telephone or facsimile but will not receive additional
compensation for these services. Arrangements may be made with brokerage houses,
custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to send Proxies and Proxy materials to
their principals and the Company may reimburse them for their expense in so
doing. The Company has retained Morrow & Co. to assist in the solicitation at a
cost that is not expected to exceed $10,000 plus reasonable out-of-pocket


     If a stockholder of the Company wishes to submit a proposal for
consideration at the 2003 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, such proposal must be
received at the executive offices of the Company no later than November 26,
2002, to be considered for inclusion in the Company's Proxy Statement and Proxy
Card relating to the 2003 Annual Meeting. Although a stockholder proposal
received after such date will not be entitled to inclusion in the Company's
Proxy Statement and Proxy Card, a stockholder can submit a proposal for
consideration at the 2003 Annual Meeting in accordance with the Company's
By-laws if written notice is given to the Secretary of the Company not less than
60 days nor more than 90 days prior to the Meeting. In the event that the
Company gives less than 70 days notice of the Meeting date to stockholders, the
stockholder must give notice of the proposal within ten days after the mailing
of notice or announcement of the Meeting date. The 2003 Annual Meeting is
scheduled to be held on April 29, 2003. In order to nominate a candidate for
election as a Director at the 2003 Annual Meeting, a stockholder must provide
written notice and supporting information to the Secretary of the Company by
personal delivery or mail not later than January 30, 2003.


/s/ Paul C. Coppock
Paul C. Coppock
Senior Vice President,
Chief Administrative Officer,
General Counsel and Secretary
March 26, 2002


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                               HARSCO CORPORATION



     The Audit Committee will assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its
oversight responsibilities by reviewing: the financial reports provided by the
Corporation; the Corporation's systems of internal controls regarding finance,
accounting, legal compliance and ethics that management and the Board have
established; and the Corporation's auditing, accounting and financial reporting
processes generally. The Audit Committee's primary duties and responsibilities

     - Overseeing that management has maintained the reliability and integrity
       of the accounting policies and financial reporting and disclosure
       practices of the Company.

     - Overseeing that management has established and maintained processes to
       assure that an adequate system of internal control is functioning within
       the Company.

     - Overseeing that management has established and maintained processes to
       assure compliance by the Company with all applicable laws, regulations
       and Company policy.

The Audit Committee will primarily fulfill these responsibilities by carrying
out the activities enumerated in Section IV. of this Charter.


     The Audit Committee shall be comprised of three or more directors as
determined by the Board, each of whom shall be independent directors, and free
from any relationship that, in the opinion of the Board, would interfere with
the exercise of his or her independent judgment as a member of the Committee.
All members of the Committee shall have a working familiarity with basic finance
and accounting practices, and at least one member of the Committee shall have
financial management expertise. Such qualifications will be determined by the
Board of Directors in its sole judgment.

     The Chairman of the Board shall submit his recommendation for the
appointment of members of the Committee and the Chairman of the Committee. The
Board shall elect the members and Chairman of the Committee at the annual
organizational meeting of the Board to serve until the next annual
organizational meeting or until their successors shall be duly elected and


     The Committee shall meet at least three times annually, or more frequently
as circumstances dictate. The Committee will fully discuss with management any
questions which it may have regarding matters within the scope of its
responsibilities. As part of its job to foster open communication, the Committee
shall be empowered to request private conversations with the director of the
internal auditing department and the independent accountants in separate
executive sessions to discuss any matters that the Committee or each of these
groups believe should be discussed. In addition, the Chairman of the Committee
or a member of the Committee designated by the Chairman, shall meet with
management and the independent accountants quarterly to review the financial and
legal matters of the Corporation.



     The Audit Committee shall report Committee actions to the full Board of
Directors and may make appropriate recommendations. To fulfill its
responsibilities and duties, the Audit Committee shall:


 1. Review and update this Charter annually, or as conditions dictate.

 2. Review the annual financial statements with financial management and the
    independent accountants prior to their filing with the Securities and
    Exchange Commission.

 3. Review with management the interim quarterly financial results to be
    included in the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q prior to its filing. The
    Chairman of the Committee or a member of the Committee designated by the
    Chairman may represent the entire Committee for purposes of this review.

 4. Review the regular internal reports to management prepared by the internal
    auditing department and management's response.


 5. Recommend to the Board of Directors the selection of the independent
    accountants, considering independence and effectiveness and approve the fees
    and other compensation to be paid to the independent accountants. Review the
    independent accountant's written statement delineating its relationship with
    the Corporation.

 6. Review the performance of the independent accountants and approve any
    proposed discharge of the independent accountants when circumstances

 7. Periodically consult with the independent accountants about internal
    controls and the fullness and accuracy of the organization's financial


 8. In consultation with the independent accountants and the internal auditors,
    review the integrity of the organization's financial reporting processes,
    both internal and external.

 9. Consider the independent accountants' judgments about the quality and
    appropriateness of the Corporation's accounting principles as applied in its
    financial reporting.


10. Following completion of the annual audit, review with each of management,
    the independent accountants and the internal auditing department any
    significant difficulties encountered during the course of the audit,
    including any restrictions on the scope of work or access to required

11. Review any significant disagreement among management and the independent
    accountants or the internal auditing department in connection with the
    preparation of the financial statements.



12. Evaluate whether management is setting the appropriate tone at the top by
    communicating the importance of the Harsco Internal Control Framework and
    ensuring that all individuals possess an understanding of their roles and

13. Review periodically the Harsco Code of Conduct and ensure that management
    has established a system to enforce this Code.

14. Review activities, organizational structure, and qualifications of the
    internal audit department.

15. Review, with the organization's counsel, legal compliance matters including
    corporate securities trading policies.

16. Review, with the organization's counsel, any legal matter that could have a
    significant impact on the Corporation.

17. Perform any other activities consistent with this Charter, the Corporation's
    By-laws and governing law, as the Committee or the Board deems necessary or

18. Provide the report of the Committee required by the rules of the Securities
    and Exchange Commission to be included in the Corporation's proxy statement
    for each annual meeting.

     While the Committee has the responsibilities and powers set forth in this
Charter, it is not the duty of the Committee to plan or conduct audits or to
determine that the Corporation's financial statements are complete and accurate
and are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. This is the
responsibility of management and the independent accountants. Nor is it the duty
of the Committee to conduct investigations, to resolve disagreements, if any,
between management and the independent accountants or to assure compliance with
laws and regulations and the Corporation's policies.

     Nothing contained in this Charter is intended to alter or impair the
operation of the "business judgment rule" as interpreted by the courts under the
Delaware General Corporation Law. Further, nothing contained in this Charter is
intended to alter or impair the right of the members of the Committee to rely,
in discharging their oversight role, on the records of the Corporation and on
other information presented to the Committee, Board of Directors or the
Corporation by its officers or employees or by outside experts such as the
independent accountants.


AND 2.

Please mark
your votes as
indicated in    [X]
this example


NOMINEES: 01 G.D.H. Butler, 02 S.D. Fazzolari, 03 C.F. Scanlan, 04 A.J. Sordoni,
III and 05 J.P. Viviano

             FOR all nominees                         WITHHOLD
           listed to the right                        AUTHORITY
         (except as marked to the              to vote for all nominees
                contrary)                        listed to the right

                  [ ]                                   [ ]

(INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write
that nominee's name in the space provided below.)

     accountants of the Company.

                 FOR         AGAINST           ABSTAIN
                 [ ]           [ ]               [ ]

"By checking the box to the right, I consent to future access of the Annual
Report, Proxy Statements, prospectuses and other communications electronically
via the Internet. I understand that the Company may no longer distribute printed
materials to me for any future shareholder meeting until such consent is
revoked. I understand that I may revoke my consent at any time by contacting the
Company's transfer agent, Mellon Investor Services, Ridgefield Park NJ and that
costs normally associated with electronic access, such as usage and telephone
charges, will be my responsibility Please disregard if you have previously
provided your consent decision."


SIGNATURE                      SIGNATURE                         DATE
         --------------------           ----------------------        ----------

Please sign exactly as name appears above. When shares are held by joint
tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If a corporation, please
sign in full corporate name by President or other authorized officer. If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -

                          24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK




Use the Internet to vote your proxy. Have your proxy card in hand when you
access the web site. You will be prompted to enter your control number, located
in the box below, to create and submit an electronic ballot.



Use any touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy. Have your proxy card in hand
when you call. You will be prompted to enter your control number, located in the
box below, and then follow the directions given.


                                   Mark, sign
                                    and date
                                   your proxy
                                  return it in





                               HARSCO CORPORATION

         The undersigned hereby appoints J.J. Jasinowski, J.I. Scheiner and R.C.
Wilburn proxies, each with power to act without the other and with power of
substitution, and hereby authorizes them to represent and vote, as designated on
the other side and otherwise in their discretion, all the shares of stock of
Harsco Corporation standing in the name of the undersigned with all powers which
the undersigned would possess if present at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of the Company to be held April 30, 2002 or any adjournment thereof.


                            - FOLD AND DETACH HERE -

[HARSCO LOGO]                                  MEETING OF

                                               APRIL 30, 2002 10:00 A.M.

                                               THE RADISSON PENN HARRIS
                                               HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTER
                                               ROUTES 11 AND 15 AT ERFORD ROAD
                                               CAMP HILL, PENNSYLVANIA