Charleston, SC, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- How can you communicate today across generations to be heard, understood, and persuasive?
Longtime educator Angie Stapleton has the answer: The ARK Principle.
Standing for Assertiveness, Respectfulness, and Kindness, Angie’s groundbreaking new guidebook on communication in 2024 explains why these elements are essential together. She also takes special care in demonstrating how the lack of these values contributes to communication decay and undermines the confidence of adolescents and adults.
“The ARK Principle is a personally- and professionally-proven strategy that teaches confidence and competence with communicating in a world that has evolved and survives on social media platforms,” said the author. “Its purpose is to help others “get back to the basics” and gain insight into not only what really matters, but what fosters resilience and results.”
Adolescents to adults who read The ARK Principle will gain valuable communication skills that not only improve their conversations with others but reach a deeper well of emotional intelligence and command over themselves.
The ARK Principle: A Relevant, Capable, and Becoming Communication Strategy for Surviving and Thriving in a Turbulent World is available for purchase online at and Barnes and
About the Author:
Angie Stapleton is a former secondary English educator and post-secondary academic advisor. Her journey to higher education led to her passion to help others in developing effective communication skills. Angie earned her bachelor’s degree in professional studies from Troy State University, majoring in psychology and business and minoring in education. For the last several years, she has poured her passion into writing her book, The ARK Principle, about her communication strategy. When not educating or mentoring on self-development, Angie enjoys spending time with family and friends and learning to fly airplanes.
Media Contact: Angie Stapleton,
Available for interviews: Author, Angie Stapleton

Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing