Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 6-K
PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16
For the month of February 2006
(Translation of registrants name into English)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
53113 Bonn
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
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This report is deemed submitted and not filed pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Final IFRS historic numbers.
Deutsche Telekom
Check out our IR-website www.telekom.de/investor-relations for:
* this file in pdf and excel-format
* the IR calender
* detailed information for debt investors
* shareholder structure
* corporate governance
For further information on the divisions please refer to:
www.telekom.de |
www.t-com.de |
www.t-mobile.de |
www.t-systems.com |
www.t-online.de |
Investor Relations, Bonn office |
Investor Relations, New York office |
Phone |
+49 228 181 - 8 88 80 |
Phone |
+1 212 424 2926 |
Fax |
+49 228 181 - 8 88 99 |
Phone |
+ 1 877 DT SHARE (toll-free) |
investor.relations@telekom.de |
Fax |
+1 212 424 2986 |
investor.relations@usa.telekom.de |
Final IFRS historic numbers.
Final IFRS historic numbers.
In connection with the preparation of its first-time adoption of audited International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Deutsche Telekom determined that certain adjustments should be made to its IFRS opening balance sheet as of January 1, 2003, and to the quarterly information previously published in 2005. Overall, there was no significant impact on the results of operations, financial position or cash flows of the prior periods. These adjustments primarily relate to corrections of accounting entries as follows:
Deferred Revenues
Although not material (individually or in the aggregate), Deutsche Telekom had identified several items relating to the years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005, that it has also determined should be corrected. These corrections have now been reflected in the quarterly periods in which such items should have been recorded. The most significant of these corrections relates to the allocation of revenues related to multiple-element arrangements. These corrections have now been reflected in each of the quarterly periods of 2004 and 2005.
Rating Changes
In 2002, in connection with certain previously issued financial instruments, an interest rate step-up provision was triggered as a result of a downgrade in Deutsche Telekoms credit rating by certain rating agencies. It was subsequently determined that pursuant to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, Deutsche Telekom should adjust the book value of these financial instruments to reflect the present value of the estimated future payments at the time of the interest rate change in 2002. This adjustment has now been reflected in the IFRS opening balance sheet as of January 1, 2003,. Subsequently, in April 2005, these rating agencies upgraded Deutsche Telekoms credit rating, which triggered a corresponding downward adjustment in the interest rate on these financial instruments. Pursuant to IAS 39, Deutsche Telekom was required to adjust the book value of these financial instruments to reflect the present value of the associated estimated future payments as a result of this upward adjustment. Accordingly, certain financial information, namely, net income and financial income (expense), net, has been adjusted to reflect the change in interest rates.
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
millions |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Total revenue |
14,376 |
14,748 |
15,043 |
14,288 |
14,743 |
15,056 |
-88 |
-5 |
13 |
44,167 |
44,087 |
-80 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
6,638 |
6,489 |
6,455 |
6,555 |
6,469 |
6,469 |
-83 |
-20 |
14 |
19,582 |
19,493 |
-89 |
6,304 |
6,119 |
6,130 |
6,220 |
6,101 |
6,143 |
-84 |
-18 |
13 |
18,553 |
18,464 |
-89 |
T-Online |
509 |
522 |
506 |
509 |
522 |
506 |
1,537 |
1,537 |
Mobile Communications |
6,746 |
7,197 |
7,648 |
6,746 |
7,197 |
7,648 |
21,591 |
21,591 |
Business Customers |
3,124 |
3,206 |
3,143 |
3,106 |
3,219 |
3,143 |
-18 |
13 |
9,473 |
9,468 |
-5 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
853 |
883 |
867 |
853 |
883 |
867 |
2,603 |
2,603 |
Reconciliation |
-2,985 |
-3,027 |
-3,070 |
-2,972 |
-3,025 |
-3,071 |
13 |
2 |
-1 |
-9,082 |
-9,068 |
14 |
Net revenue |
14,376 |
14,748 |
15,043 |
14,288 |
14,743 |
15,056 |
-88 |
-5 |
13 |
44,167 |
44,087 |
-80 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
5,527 |
5,439 |
5,387 |
5,458 |
5,420 |
5,400 |
-69 |
-19 |
13 |
16,353 |
16,278 |
-75 |
5,067 |
4,962 |
4,931 |
4,997 |
4,944 |
4,944 |
-70 |
-18 |
13 |
14,960 |
14,885 |
-75 |
T-Online |
460 |
477 |
456 |
461 |
476 |
456 |
1 |
-1 |
0 |
1,393 |
1,393 |
Mobile Communications |
6,531 |
6,962 |
7,408 |
6,531 |
6,962 |
7,409 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
20,901 |
20,902 |
1 |
Business Customers |
2,253 |
2,281 |
2,179 |
2,234 |
2,295 |
2,178 |
-19 |
14 |
-1 |
6,713 |
6,707 |
-6 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
65 |
66 |
69 |
65 |
66 |
69 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
200 |
200 |
4,898 |
5,219 |
5,366 |
4,821 |
5,182 |
5,380 |
-77 |
-37 |
14 |
15,483 |
15,383 |
-100 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
2,517 |
2,432 |
2,376 |
2,444 |
2,421 |
2,389 |
-73 |
-11 |
13 |
7,325 |
7,254 |
-71 |
2,436 |
2,367 |
2,332 |
2,362 |
2,357 |
2,345 |
-74 |
-10 |
13 |
7,135 |
7,064 |
-71 |
T-Online |
88 |
84 |
73 |
88 |
84 |
73 |
245 |
245 |
Mobile Communications |
2,102 |
2,443 |
2,725 |
2,102 |
2,405 |
2,725 |
-38 |
7,270 |
7,232 |
-38 |
Business Customers |
395 |
405 |
412 |
391 |
418 |
412 |
-4 |
13 |
1,212 |
1,221 |
9 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
-83 |
-20 |
-129 |
-83 |
-20 |
-129 |
-232 |
-232 |
EBITDA adjusted for special influences |
4,918 |
5,225 |
5,487 |
4,841 |
5,188 |
5,501 |
-77 |
-37 |
14 |
15,630 |
15,530 |
-100 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
2,517 |
2,440 |
2,424 |
2,444 |
2,429 |
2,437 |
-73 |
-11 |
13 |
7,381 |
7,310 |
-71 |
2,436 |
2,375 |
2,380 |
2,362 |
2,365 |
2,393 |
-74 |
-10 |
13 |
7,191 |
7,120 |
-71 |
T-Online |
88 |
84 |
73 |
88 |
84 |
73 |
245 |
245 |
Mobile Communications |
2,111 |
2,481 |
2,730 |
2,111 |
2,443 |
2,730 |
-38 |
7,322 |
7,284 |
-38 |
Business Customers |
396 |
410 |
446 |
392 |
423 |
446 |
-4 |
13 |
1,252 |
1,261 |
9 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
-72 |
-66 |
-95 |
-72 |
-66 |
-95 |
-233 |
-233 |
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
Reported |
Final |
Adjustments |
millions |
Q1/04 |
Q2/04 |
Q3/04 |
Q4/04 |
Q1/04 |
Q2/04 |
Q3/04 |
Q4/04 |
Q1/04 |
Q2/04 |
Q3/04 |
Q4/04 |
FY 2004 |
FY 2004 |
FY 2004 |
Total revenue |
13,890 |
14,377 |
14,353 |
14,740 |
13,894 |
14,379 |
14,356 |
14,724 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
-16 |
57,360 |
57,353 |
-7 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
6,941 |
6,809 |
6,609 |
6,651 |
6,945 |
6,812 |
6,612 |
6,643 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
-8 |
27,010 |
27,012 |
2 |
6,599 |
6,470 |
6,254 |
6,278 |
6,603 |
6,472 |
6,257 |
6,271 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
-7 |
25,601 |
25,603 |
2 |
T-Online |
489 |
499 |
486 |
538 |
489 |
499 |
486 |
538 |
2,012 |
2,012 |
Mobile Communications |
6,272 |
6,649 |
6,914 |
6,692 |
6,272 |
6,649 |
6,914 |
6,692 |
26,527 |
26,527 |
Business Customers |
3,075 |
3,272 |
3,169 |
3,441 |
3,075 |
3,272 |
3,169 |
3,446 |
5 |
12,957 |
12,962 |
5 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
866 |
882 |
887 |
891 |
866 |
882 |
887 |
891 |
3,526 |
3,526 |
Reconciliation |
-3,264 |
-3,235 |
-3,226 |
-2,935 |
-3,264 |
-3,236 |
-3,226 |
-2,948 |
-1 |
-13 |
-12,660 |
-12,674 |
-14 |
Net revenue |
13,890 |
14,377 |
14,353 |
14,740 |
13,894 |
14,379 |
14,356 |
14,724 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
-16 |
57,360 |
57,353 |
-7 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
5,653 |
5,609 |
5,433 |
5,714 |
5,657 |
5,611 |
5,436 |
5,693 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
-21 |
22,409 |
22,397 |
-12 |
5,205 |
5,154 |
4,992 |
5,234 |
5,209 |
5,156 |
4,995 |
5,213 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
-21 |
20,585 |
20,573 |
-12 |
T-Online |
448 |
455 |
441 |
480 |
448 |
455 |
441 |
480 |
1,824 |
1,824 |
Mobile Communications |
5,966 |
6,372 |
6,663 |
6,449 |
5,966 |
6,372 |
6,663 |
6,449 |
25,450 |
25,450 |
Business Customers |
2,209 |
2,327 |
2,200 |
2,505 |
2,209 |
2,327 |
2,200 |
2,510 |
5 |
9,241 |
9,246 |
5 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
62 |
69 |
57 |
72 |
62 |
69 |
57 |
72 |
260 |
260 |
4,606 |
4,998 |
5,193 |
4,592 |
4,619 |
5,001 |
5,197 |
4,575 |
13 |
3 |
4 |
-17 |
19,389 |
19,392 |
3 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
2,559 |
2,577 |
2,477 |
2,340 |
2,562 |
2,578 |
2,479 |
2,331 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
-9 |
9,953 |
9,950 |
-3 |
2,457 |
2,439 |
2,341 |
2,266 |
2,460 |
2,440 |
2,345 |
2,256 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
-10 |
9,503 |
9,501 |
-2 |
T-Online |
118 |
129 |
135 |
81 |
118 |
129 |
135 |
81 |
463 |
463 |
Mobile Communications |
1,826 |
2,202 |
2,369 |
2,066 |
1,826 |
2,205 |
2,370 |
2,066 |
3 |
1 |
8,463 |
8,467 |
4 |
Business Customers |
391 |
383 |
448 |
295 |
391 |
383 |
449 |
286 |
1 |
-9 |
1,517 |
1,509 |
-8 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
-120 |
-122 |
-1 |
-313 |
-120 |
-122 |
-1 |
-313 |
-556 |
-556 |
EBITDA adjusted for special influences |
4,675 |
4,923 |
5,293 |
4,726 |
4,688 |
4,926 |
5,297 |
4,709 |
13 |
3 |
4 |
-17 |
19,617 |
19,620 |
3 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
2,592 |
2,577 |
2,495 |
2,509 |
2,595 |
2,578 |
2,497 |
2,500 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
-9 |
10,173 |
10,170 |
-3 |
2,490 |
2,439 |
2,358 |
2,435 |
2,493 |
2,440 |
2,362 |
2,425 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
-10 |
9,722 |
9,720 |
-2 |
T-Online |
118 |
129 |
136 |
81 |
118 |
129 |
136 |
81 |
464 |
464 |
Mobile Communications |
1,826 |
2,127 |
2,374 |
2,068 |
1,826 |
2,130 |
2,375 |
2,068 |
3 |
1 |
8,395 |
8,399 |
4 |
Business Customers |
394 |
426 |
453 |
365 |
394 |
426 |
454 |
356 |
1 |
-9 |
1,638 |
1,630 |
-7 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
-87 |
-165 |
-22 |
-274 |
-87 |
-165 |
-22 |
-274 |
-548 |
-548 |
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
millions |
FY 2003 |
FY 2003 |
FY 2003 |
Total revenue |
55,503 |
55,596 |
93 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
28,295 |
28,259 |
-36 |
27,206 |
27,170 |
-36 |
T-Online |
1,851 |
1,851 |
Mobile Communications |
24,198 |
24,327 |
129 |
Business Customers |
12,937 |
12,937 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
3,271 |
3,271 |
Reconciliation |
-13,198 |
-13,198 |
Net revenue |
55,503 |
55,596 |
93 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
23,197 |
23,161 |
-36 |
21,534 |
21,498 |
-36 |
T-Online |
1,663 |
1,663 |
Mobile Communications |
22,804 |
22,933 |
129 |
Business Customers |
9,267 |
9,267 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
235 |
235 |
18,689 |
18,654 |
-35 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
10,368 |
10,326 |
-42 |
10,080 |
10,038 |
-42 |
T-Online |
339 |
339 |
Mobile Communications |
7,202 |
7,208 |
6 |
Business Customers |
1,532 |
1,533 |
1 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
-396 |
-396 |
EBITDA adjusted for special influences |
18,572 |
18,537 |
-35 |
Broadband / Fixed Network |
10,408 |
10,366 |
-42 |
10,120 |
10,078 |
-42 |
T-Online |
315 |
315 |
Mobile Communications |
7,202 |
7,208 |
6 |
Business Customers |
1,482 |
1,483 |
1 |
Group Headquarters & Shared Services |
-503 |
-503 |
Adjusted for special influences.
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
millions |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Revenue |
14,376 |
14,748 |
15,043 |
14,288 |
14,743 |
15,056 |
-88 |
-5 |
13 |
44,167 |
44,087 |
-80 |
Cost of sales |
-7,526 |
-7,642 |
-7,661 |
-7,525 |
-7,681 |
-7,661 |
1 |
-39 |
-22,829 |
-22,867 |
-38 |
Gross profit/loss from sales |
6,850 |
7,106 |
7,382 |
6,763 |
7,062 |
7,395 |
-87 |
-44 |
13 |
21,338 |
21,220 |
-118 |
Selling costs |
-3,434 |
-3,486 |
-3,493 |
-3,435 |
-3,490 |
-3,503 |
-1 |
-4 |
-10 |
-10,413 |
-10,428 |
-15 |
General administrative costs |
-1,030 |
-1,051 |
-986 |
-1,019 |
-1,040 |
-975 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
-3,067 |
-3,034 |
33 |
Other operating income |
279 |
313 |
200 |
279 |
313 |
200 |
792 |
792 |
Other operating expenses |
-305 |
-267 |
-206 |
-281 |
-267 |
-206 |
24 |
-778 |
-754 |
24 |
Operating results = EBIT |
2,360 |
2,615 |
2,897 |
2,307 |
2,578 |
2,911 |
-53 |
-37 |
14 |
7,872 |
7,796 |
-76 |
Financial income/expense, net |
-742 |
-782 |
-677 |
-736 |
-452 |
-654 |
6 |
330 |
23 |
-2,201 |
-1,842 |
359 |
of which: net interest expenses |
-743 |
-792 |
-689 |
-707 |
-464 |
-674 |
36 |
328 |
15 |
-2,224 |
-1,845 |
379 |
Income before taxes = EBT |
1,618 |
1,833 |
2,220 |
1,571 |
2,126 |
2,257 |
-47 |
293 |
37 |
5,671 |
5,954 |
283 |
Income taxes |
-493 |
-763 |
-620 |
-473 |
-831 |
-630 |
20 |
-68 |
-10 |
-1,876 |
-1,934 |
-58 |
Income (loss) after taxes |
1,125 |
1,070 |
1,600 |
1,098 |
1,295 |
1,627 |
-27 |
225 |
27 |
3,795 |
4,020 |
225 |
Income/losses applicable to minority shareholders |
123 |
121 |
137 |
122 |
120 |
137 |
-1 |
-1 |
381 |
379 |
-2 |
Net income (loss) |
1,002 |
949 |
1,463 |
976 |
1,175 |
1,490 |
-26 |
226 |
27 |
3,414 |
3,641 |
227 |
Operating results = EBIT |
2,360 |
2,615 |
2,897 |
2,307 |
2,578 |
2,911 |
-53 |
-37 |
14 |
7,872 |
7,796 |
-76 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses |
-2,558 |
-2,610 |
-2,590 |
-2,534 |
-2,610 |
-2,590 |
24 |
-7,758 |
-7,734 |
24 |
4,918 |
5,225 |
5,487 |
4,841 |
5,188 |
5,501 |
-77 |
-37 |
14 |
15,630 |
15,530 |
-100 |
Net debt |
42,635 |
44,533 |
40,798 |
42,997 |
44,548 |
40,795 |
362 |
15 |
-3 |
40,798 |
40,795 |
-3 |
DT Group P&L 2005.
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
millions |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1/05 |
Q2/05 |
Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Q1-Q3/05 |
Revenue |
14,376 |
14,748 |
15,043 |
14,288 |
14,743 |
15,056 |
-88 |
-5 |
13 |
44,167 |
44,087 |
-80 |
Cost of sales |
-7,526 |
-7,649 |
-7,697 |
-7,525 |
-7,688 |
-7,697 |
1 |
-39 |
-22,872 |
-22,910 |
-38 |
Gross profit/loss from sales |
6,850 |
7,099 |
7,346 |
6,763 |
7,055 |
7,359 |
-87 |
-44 |
13 |
21,295 |
21,177 |
-118 |
Selling costs |
-3,434 |
-3,507 |
-3,503 |
-3,435 |
-3,511 |
-3,513 |
-1 |
-4 |
-10 |
-10,444 |
-10,459 |
-15 |
General administrative costs |
-1,037 |
-1,058 |
-1,033 |
-1,026 |
-1,047 |
-1,022 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
-3,128 |
-3,095 |
33 |
Other operating income |
279 |
354 |
200 |
279 |
354 |
200 |
833 |
833 |
Other operating expenses |
-318 |
-279 |
-234 |
-294 |
-279 |
-234 |
24 |
-831 |
-807 |
24 |
Operating results = EBIT |
2,340 |
2,609 |
2,776 |
2,287 |
2,572 |
2,790 |
-53 |
-37 |
14 |
7,725 |
7,649 |
-76 |
Financial income/expense, net |
-721 |
-782 |
361 |
-715 |
-452 |
384 |
6 |
330 |
23 |
-1,142 |
-783 |
359 |
of which: net interest expenses |
-743 |
-792 |
-689 |
-707 |
-464 |
-674 |
36 |
328 |
15 |
-2,224 |
-1,845 |
379 |
Income before taxes = EBT |
1,619 |
1,827 |
3,137 |
1,572 |
2,120 |
3,174 |
-47 |
293 |
37 |
6,583 |
6,866 |
283 |
Income taxes |
-486 |
-763 |
-585 |
-466 |
-831 |
-595 |
20 |
-68 |
-10 |
-1,834 |
-1,892 |
-58 |
Income (loss) after taxes |
1,133 |
1,064 |
2,552 |
1,106 |
1,289 |
2,579 |
-27 |
225 |
27 |
4,749 |
4,974 |
225 |
Income/losses applicable to minority shareholders |
123 |
121 |
137 |
122 |
120 |
137 |
-1 |
-1 |
381 |
379 |
-2 |
Net income (loss) |
1,010 |
943 |
2,415 |
984 |
1,169 |
2,442 |
-26 |
226 |
27 |
4,368 |
4,595 |
227 |
Operating results = EBIT |
2,340 |
2,609 |
2,776 |
2,287 |
2,572 |
2,790 |
-53 |
-37 |
14 |
7,725 |
7,649 |
-76 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses |
-2,558 |
-2,610 |
-2,590 |
-2,534 |
-2,610 |
-2,590 |
24 |
-7,758 |
-7,734 |
24 |
4,898 |
5,219 |
5,366 |
4,821 |
5,182 |
5,380 |
-77 |
-37 |
14 |
15,483 |
15,383 |
-100 |
Net debt |
42,635 |
44,533 |
40,798 |
42,997 |
44,548 |
40,795 |
362 |
15 |
-3 |
40,798 |
40,795 |
-3 |
DT Group P&L 2004.
Adjusted for special influences.
Reported preliminary IFRS |
Final IFRS |
Adjustments |
Reported |
Final |
Adjustments |
millions |
Q1/04 |
Q2/04 |
Q3/04 |
Q4/04 |
Q1/04 |
Q2/04 |
Q3/04 |
Q4/04 |
Q1/04 |
Q2/04 |
Q3/04 |
Q4/04 |
FY 2004 |
FY 2004 |
FY 2004 |
Revenue |
13,890 |
14,377 |
14,353 |
14,740 |
13,894 |
14,379 |
14,356 |
14,724 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
-16 |
57,360 |
57,353 |
-7 |
Cost of sales |
-7,219 |
-7,618 |
-7,514 |
-7,872 |
-7,219 |
-7,615 |
-7,513 |
-7,872 |
3 |
1 |
-30,223 |
-30,219 |
4 |
Gross profit/loss from sales |
6,671 |
6,759 |
6,839 |
6,868 |
6,675 |
6,764 |
6,843 |
6,852 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
-16 |
27,137 |
27,134 |
-3 |
Selling costs |
-3,207 |
-3,072 |
-3,031 |
-3,503 |
-3,208 |
-3,074 |
-3,048 |
-3,516 |
-1 |
-2 |
-17 |
-13 |
-12,813 |
-12,846 |
-33 |
General administrative costs |
-1,034 |
-1,148 |
-1,002 |
-1,184 |
-1,034 |
-1,147 |
-986 |
-1,172 |
1 |
16 |
12 |
-4,368 |
-4,339 |
29 |
Other operating income |
361 |
398 |
396 |
479 |
361 |
398 |
396 |
479 |
1,634 |
1,634 |
Other operating expenses |
-306 |
-375 |
-331 |
-380 |
-297 |
-375 |
-331 |
-389 |
9 |
-9 |
-1,392 |
-1,392 |
Operating results = EBIT |
2,485 |
2,562 |
2,871 |
2,280 |
2,497 |
2,566 |
2,874 |
2,254 |
12 |
4 |
3 |
-26 |
10,198 |
10,191 |
-7 |
Financial income/expense, net |
-1,224 |
-788 |
-1,024 |
-937 |
-1,209 |
-773 |
-1,002 |
-942 |
15 |
15 |
22 |
-5 |
-3,973 |
-3,926 |
47 |
of which: net interest expenses |
-894 |
-895 |
-827 |
-738 |
-826 |
-887 |
-809 |
-758 |
68 |
8 |
18 |
-20 |
-3,354 |
-3,280 |
74 |
Income before taxes = EBT |
1,261 |
1,774 |
1,847 |
1,343 |
1,288 |
1,793 |
1,872 |
1,312 |
27 |
19 |
25 |
-31 |
6,225 |
6,265 |
40 |
Income taxes |
-440 |
-430 |
-560 |
-657 |
-385 |
-498 |
-620 |
-604 |
55 |
-68 |
-60 |
53 |
-2,087 |
-2,107 |
-20 |
Income (loss) after taxes |
821 |
1,344 |
1,287 |
686 |
903 |
1,295 |
1,252 |
708 |
82 |
-49 |
-35 |
22 |
4,138 |
4,158 |
20 |
Income/losses applicable to minority shareholders |
130 |
122 |
135 |
94 |
130 |
121 |
134 |
94 |
-1 |
-1 |
481 |
479 |
-2 |
Net income (loss) |
691 |
1,222 |
1,152 |
592 |
773 |
1,174 |
1,118 |
614 |
82 |
-48 |
-34 |
22 |
3,657 |
3,679 |
22 |
Operating results = EBIT |
2,485 |
2,562 |
2,871 |
2,280 |
2,497 |
2,566 |
2,874 |
2,254 |
12 |
4 |
3 |
-26 |
10,198 |
10,191 |
-7 |
Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses |
-2,190 |
-2,361 |
-2,422 |
-2,446 |
-2,191 |
-2,360 |
-2,423 |
-2,455 |
-1 |
1 |
-1 |
-9 |
-9,419 |
-9,429 |
-10 |
4,675 |
4,923 |
5,293 |
4,726 |
4,688 |
4,926 |
5,297 |
4,709 |
13 |
3 |
4 |
-17 |
19,617 |